Im trying to import from phpBB 3.1, says it cant connect to the DB - then it cant find the [attachments] path - i have done the same as tourmeister
If you have the backup.sql file on your server you are almost there.
I used cPanel --> Databases --> MySQL Databases
to create a new empty database. I believe you can name it whatever you like, and use whatever username and password you like. Be sure to add the user to the database and give that user "All Privileges. Write down the database name, username, and password so you don't forget them.
Again, I used cPanel --> Advanced --> Terminal
to get to a command line. One there, change to the directory where the backup.sql file is saved. Then execute the following,
mysql -p -u dbusername dbname < backup.sql
This will prompt you for the dbpassword.
Once it is running, you won't see any indication that it is working. Just leave it alone until you get the command prompt back. Depending on the size of your database, this might take a while. My database is around 2 GB I think and it took about 10-15 minutes. Once it is done, you can now start the import process. It will ask you for the SOURCE dbusername, dbpassword, and the dbname. These should be the same as what you just used.
Prior to running the import routine, I copied my entire vB forum from my old server to the new server so things like the attachment files would be on the server. I put the XF2 install in the /forums directory and the vB copy in /vbforums. My attachments are not stored in my database, so I just gave it the path to the /vbforums/forum_attachments directory. IF your attachments are not stored in the database, then I suspect something similar would work for you.