Fall back

Ours went back last week. Fortunately I remembered, but I'd only just got used to not being in Jerusalem time lol so my sense of time feels a bit all over the place.

Did you remember?
It is Sunday?... Sleep in and forget about, as you will always be behind everyone on Monday morning... Or ahead... traffic tends to get busy at some point...
I would have if mine didn't change automatically. I thought I was hallucinating at 2 o'clock this morning when my clock went back an hour.
heheheh................ nope. :oops:

Thank goodness my cell and computer set themselves automatically.
Also meant I had to work an hour longer. :mad:


Yeah what would we do without our technology automatically updating themselves??!

Yeah what would we do without our technology automatically updating themselves??!
Ain't it the truth. We barely have to think for ourselves anymore, our techy gadgets do it for us.
I set mine back last night at 7pm, as the only clock that really gets looked at in the evening is the one on the cable box, and that is automatically adjusted, :p
Yes, we all know how really smrt smart you really are Floris... :D

I am not that smart, I am just not that dumb.

You either set your clocks manually before you go to bed, or when you wake up. The rest auto updates. It's all over the internet if something like this happens, or you have people around you that help you remind you before the event. It's been happening twice a year for as long as I am alive. How is one still not used to it..
I am not that smart, I am just not that dumb.

You either set your clocks manually before you go to bed, or when you wake up. The rest auto updates. It's all over the internet if something like this happens, or you have people around you that help you remind you before the event. It's been happening twice a year for as long as I am alive. How is one still not used to it..

Are you use to getting your toes stubbed against the corner of a table leg? No... You are not going to remember that if it only happens once in awhile... That is something that does not register with me and I wait until the last possible moment... (before I go to sleep... plus I never had a wrist watch, but keep wanting one :)). Thanks to 'Bush Admin', they change the time one hour earlier and have not seen the sunrise during winter for the last couple of years.

No daylight saving time here; no clocks to worry about. :D
We need those kind of thinkers here....
Nope!, as that is call an accident while in a haze after I get up to go to work... I still hit my head on the adverts on the bus and so does most who like to sit near the window(s) on the back of the bus.
Ours went back last week. I always reset my clock when I get up in the morning and since now I never know if my phone sets itself and I got up late therefore not knowing who had changed which clocks already I was really confused as to what time it was when I got up in the morning LMAO
Ours went back last week. I always reset my clock when I get up in the morning and since now I never know if my phone sets itself and I got up late therefore not knowing who had changed which clocks already I was really confused as to what time it was when I got up in the morning LMAO
Every cell phone should automatically set itself.
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