Wendy Cutler
Because this behaviour only happens in the Edge browser and not in Chrome or Firefox, I think it's a bug. When I'm in a multi-posting thread, viewing photos in a thread not at the top of the page, say a thread in the middle of the page, and I click outside the lightbox photo viewer to go back to the text, I get taken to the top of the page. In a thread like the example I'm linking to here, it's very inconvenient, as it's difficult to remember which posting I was viewing.
I'm on Windows 10.
It's already difficult enough to get the name of the last photo I looked at, but when I can't even get directly to the same posting, it's impossible.
I'm on Windows 10.
It's already difficult enough to get the name of the last photo I looked at, but when I can't even get directly to the same posting, it's impossible.