XF 2.0 Error while converting to utf8mb4 - failed to convert xf_search_index


Well-known member
I got following error message when ran the code to convert to utf8mb4. Please help.

[a@a.com]$ php cmd.php xf:convert-utf8mb4
There are 195 tables to convert.

Conversion may be a time consuming process.
You must close your installation and take a backup before beginning the conversion process!

Are you ready to begin conversion? [y/n] y
Beginning conversion...
[1/195] xf_addon... Done
[108/195] xf_search... Done
[109/195] xf_search_index... Failed
[110/195] xf_session... Done
[195/195] xf_widget_position... Done

The following tables failed to convert:
        * xf_search_index: MySQL query error [1366]: Incorrect string value: '\xC0\xCE\x09\x01\x00\x00...' for column 'message' at row 11400
You should contact the table creator for guidance. Failure to correct this may lead to unexpected behavior.

Conversion complete, but with errors!
You must now add the following to your src/config.php file:
$config['fullUnicode'] = true;
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