Email Subscription

Email Subscription 3.0

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I installed this and tried to send me a test email. I entered the userid and then ran the cron job manually. But no email arrrives.

With the other addon (weekly digest) the same testing is successfull. What could be the reason for this?

I installed this and tried to send me a test email. I entered the userid and then ran the cron job manually. But no email arrrives.

With the other addon (weekly digest) the same testing is successfull. What could be the reason for this?
I've just tested and it works fine for me. Check if you have the latest version.

will this script send the topics of the last 24 hours (counting backwards from the sending date/time stamp) or calendar day? So if the email is i.e. sent out at Wednesday 2pm, which topics are then included in that email? All from Tuesday only?

1) Will this add-on only include posts from forums that each individual user has permission to access? I'm wondering if the "exclude forum" option is there to hide extraneous forums or to block forums that have special permissions. In other words, is a single static email going out or are these customized for each user?

2) After installing this, is it enabled for all users by default or do they need to subscribe to receive the first email?

Have you set the language ID in options for this add-on?

it is set to "0" (0zero) which meand the default language in my XF. THe default language in my XF is German. But even in the english files, I do not find any hint for hidden wordings.
Go to Appearance > Languages, hover on German language and see the language ID. Enter it in options. I believe it's 1 or 2. Test add-on again.

If it doesn't work, please contact Andy.
Go to Appearance > Languages, hover on German language and see the language ID. Enter it in options. I believe it's 1 or 2. Test add-on again.

If it doesn't work, please contact Andy.

German is #2 and English #1. But default language is German, so zero should pick then German, right?

I have just installed this and set up as per instructions. Everything seems to work except for the actual email being sent.

I ouble checked in the server queue too but nothing there.

Any ideas?

I have just installed this and set up as per instructions. Everything seems to work except for the actual email being sent.

I ouble checked in the server queue too but nothing there.

Any ideas?
Run the cron
1) Will this add-on only include posts from forums that each individual user has permission to access? I'm wondering if the "exclude forum" option is there to hide extraneous forums or to block forums that have special permissions. In other words, is a single static email going out or are these customized for each user?
I'd like to know about this also. I run a private forum for two committee groups, each cannot see the other's discussion forum so really want to know if the digest shows ALL topics on ALL forums or just the ones they have access to.

I'd like to know about this also. I run a private forum for two committee groups, each cannot see the other's discussion forum so really want to know if the digest shows ALL topics on ALL forums or just the ones they have access to.

It shows everything, except he excluded forums. Doesn't sound like this add-on will work for your use case.
What are all of the phrases for this add-on? I'd like to change the name to Daily Digest (better companion name to Weekly Digest in the footer).
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