As designed Editor adds [/URL]


OK, in my #1 post I just wrote [ URL ] and some text (without space between []). The editor adds [ / U R L ] by itself. Which is generally a nice idea, but here it doesn't know where to link to so the user experience is kind of mixed :D
You added an opening [URL] tag in the post body and the system automatically added a closing tag at the end.

The same would happen if you posted [QUOTE], in that the content after it would be quoted and a closing tag would be added at the end.
This is expected behaviour. The BB Code parser attempts to close unclosed tags. Your post presumably previously contained [URL] so it naturally assumes it needs to be closed. I guess maybe it could just ignore tags that aren't closed.

But right now the workaround is to use plain tags, e.g:

I meant [ U R L ] Tags.

It's true that 99,9% of all users never add any BBCode Tags themself, so that problem could be not a very important one.
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