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[DS] Auto Lock Threads 2.2.1

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Ah, right. To lock X amounts of day after they are created needs a Cron Job as well. I will look at it, doesn't seem so difficult to do. But as I said, it is just not my priority. But as you and few others want that specific feature, I will try to make it available as soon as possible. I still need to fix the bug someone pointed as well.
UPDATE: I am actually working on the featured requested, to auto-lock after X days starting from date-created.

So, even though the add-on will keep been released free of charge, I want to get a brand new game for my iPod Touch, but I don´t have the money for it yet :p

If you guys who requested the feature could send me some donations on Paypal, or better yet, to gift me the app, please contact me so I can send my Paypal info or the app name. The value I am requesting is 12 USD.

I know the actual add-on doesn´t have any feature that could be considered "premium". But I plan on the future to release some premium add-ons (That will help me pay my own license of XF, to keep developing), that I hope can help a lot of people. The ones that supports me donating, will get the chance to try the new features and future add-ons, first. :)

Thank you very much, and keep watching for future updates.
Not only would auto-lock after X days be great, but also auto-lock other before or after dates. For instance, a forum might want to lock all threads created before October 1, 2009, etc......
I am not having time to work on this add-on nowadays.

That error is probably because some updates on XF.

That project was fun to do and all, but nowadays the person that I worked with, coding add-ons and working with XF is no longer running a board now, so I didn´t have any other site owner to adopt me as a developer, so I could continue doing my add-ons coding work.

I still plan to get a license myself, but for the time being, that is not my priority at the moment.

If the add-on stopped working on new releases of XF, then I am really sorry that I can´t update it for the time being :(

I learned a lot doing this add-on, but I can´t continue working on it for a while.
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