XF 2.2 Do members get alerted that they have recieved a warning?


Well-known member
Do members get alerted that they have recieved a warning?

I realise that they may see the warning if the read the thread again.
But do they get any other form of alert that they have recieved a warning?
Unless you send the optional included conversation they don’t. There is an addon that can send alerts, I think it is Warning Improvements.

They would only see it when rereading the thread if you had optionally made it a public warning.
Yeah. This has been one of things that I hope XenForo improves upon in future. A personal message is definitely good as you can provide a lot of information about the warning. But in most cases, a notification is enough especially for repeat violations. I am using Xon's addon and it seems to work fine. But keeping it up to date with the latest build requires some effort as it gets updated quite frequently and requires another addon to remain up to date.
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