XF 1.5 Dissapearing WYSIWIG Editor problems

Hi there, I've migrated my site from 1 server to another 3 months ago, I've been trying to figure out why half the time I enter a thread or stuff which normally would display the Message box ( aka WYSIWIG ) editor will it not load, and there will just be a blank white field


Or like here


and I've no clue what seems to cause it, a quick F5 will fix the issue, but it's still frustrating and I simply just don't know what causes the problem (well Ctrl + F5 )

I've been trough every single of my addons systematically



could anyone please give me a hint in the right direction, or is there a way I can reinstall the Xenforo board to fix/repair potential "bugs" within the Xenforo code itself

website name = Http://nyxsnest.com
could anyone please give me a hint in the right direction, or is there a way I can reinstall the Xenforo board to fix/repair potential "bugs" within the Xenforo code itself
Pretty sure you are using CloudFlare, and you have RocketLoader engaged. You need to either do a page rule (exception) for the editor, or better yet, just turn that BETA piece of trash off in the CloudFlare panel.
Something must have changed (again) regarding CloudFlare and RocketLoader.

We've had numerous tickets regarding disappearing editors over the past few days.

I expect there'll be a few more during this particular cycle.
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