Lack of interest Disable add-on without having to rebuild

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Adam Howard

Well-known member
I'm in the middle of debugging a possible add-on conflict. This means going though 1 add-on at a time without just adding the special code to config.php

I'd like to be able to do this without XenForo rebuilding the templates each time. It's becoming a lengthy process because I have to wait for the whole thing to complete.
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It may depend on if the add-on adds TMS entries or not.
This is correct. It's also very dependent on server speed (specifically write speed), combined with the number of styles and number of languages (speed * styles * languages). Reducing the number of styles and/or languages will always speed these things up.
This is correct. It's also very dependent on server speed (specifically write speed), combined with the number of styles and number of languages (speed * styles * languages). Reducing the number of styles and/or languages will always speed these things up.
Something for 1.3 ....

Further optimize the support for more styles and languages. 1.2 is a lot better than 1.1 was, but it can always be better.
If you need to quickly test add-on conflicts without the rebuild screen, use Waindigo's Install and Update addon. It will disable rebuild of caches for addon on/off toggle (and install and uninstall), but you will need to remember rebuilding the cache manually by going to the upgrade system after you've finished all operations.
I have that add-on, and disabling it with 5 styles is instant.

Yeap, if it isn't instant using [Tinhte] Attach Image Optimization then the server is at least 1 of 3 things

1) very oversold
2) old or desktop quality CPU
3) Slow I/O rate.. More then likely the slow I/O is caused by option 1 or 2 also.
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