[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare® 1.8.4

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Can anyone explain to me this? I don't understand it
I can only assume he was talking about when you remove the Cloudflare HTML "Auto Minify" option that your content will be larger, negating the benefits of end-to-end compression, I could be wrong.

I think in actual practice though when Brotli compression is running on your server. The HTML minification and compression can already be done, there is no need for Cloudflare to touch it again. If you are running Brotli on your server I would even recommend also turning off the Cloudflare CSS and JavaScript compression options also. If Brotli is already compressing them on your server Cloudflare is not going to do any better, and their compression is currently hard coded to level 4. I would assume for CSS and JS files Cloudflare will see the .br extension already applied and will just ignore that content (not attempt to uncompress and recompress the smaller content), but why take the chance. Your server already did the work and the content is already compressed. Turn on Brotli on your server and turn off all "Auto Minify" options at Cloudflare would be my recommendation. Then make sure those content types are included in your Brotli Compression settings.

It would likely take a lot of testing to figure out the benefits of minification versus compression versus both, then take into account the process of uncompressing and recompressing at Cloudflare. To take all of this out of the equation the best way would be to minify and Brotli compress on your own server and take advantage of end-to-end Cloudflare compression when it's available.
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@digitalpoint I've got an issue, trying to add R2 to a new forum. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've had it setup correctly on a different forum before. But now it's throwing the domain already in use error. Both forums are on the same hosting, but different domains of course. When you have some spare time, could you tell me what I'm doing wrong? TIA.



Disable the option to create the public domain… it’s already setup on a bucket.

You can ignore the error… it’s just letting you know that the part of creating the public domain didn’t work because it’s already in use (probably on that bucket already if it’s an existing bucket).
Disable the option to create the public domain… it’s already setup on a bucket.

You can ignore the error… it’s just letting you know that the part of creating the public domain didn’t work because it’s already in use (probably on that bucket already if it’s an existing bucket).
Cool thanks. Was able to enable that. Just to confirm, this is all setup correctly? Because it's still showing broken.


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Well besides the fact that you don’t have anything in your buckets, it looks okay. Did you upload stuff before you had it setup or after?
Well besides the fact that you don’t have anything in your buckets, it looks okay. Did you upload stuff before you had it setup or after?
Just an avatar. It's a new forum with little on it so far, still setting up everything. Tried to add a profile banner, but it wasn't showing. Purged the cache, that might've helped I thought but it didn't. 😅

Don't really understand half of this cloudflare stuff, lol.
Deleted data.domain..... here and the avatar was back. I assume that needs to be filled it though?

Still, uploading a profile banner doesn't work.

Well it’s definitely not going to work if you remove the external data URL.

Are you using XF Clooud for hosting by chance? I think they don’t let you use R2 (probably any external storage system).
Well it’s definitely not going to work if you remove the external data URL.

Are you using XF Clooud for hosting by chance? I think they don’t let you use R2 (probably any external storage system).
Added it back.

Not XF cloud. Could it be that it's interfering with a different install? Idk. Works like a charm on my other board, but this new one is broken.
Definitely something configured wrong, but where? 😅


admin-junkies isn't even on R2. The link
Also redirects to Admin Junkies.
Ya not sure… if your site isn’t able to upload avatars without R2, it’s not going to work with R2 either (R2 is just the storage… but the server still needs to be able to have it uploaded for it to work).
It's weird, because while everything is on the same VPS, Admin Junkies doesn't have R2 enabled. There's a different forum on a separate (although still same vps) cpanel account where R2 is working perfectly. Adding this new palworld forum to it, doesn't allow me to enable it.

Doesn't make sense. But it's probably my mis-configuration somewhere. I'll look into it when my mind is a bit more clear.

Thanks for your assistance anyhow!
Check if avatars and attachments work without R2. That will be a good first step. If the server can’t accept them for whatever reason, it’s not going to be able to accept them (server still does the receiving) and then upload it to R2.

Like it could be as simple as the internal_data or data directories in your XenForo install not being writable (although I’d think that would throw an actual error when you try to upload).

I have just uploaded to R2 however, it appears the response we receive is a 404 on all images, avatars and others.
We have Wordpress on the domain and XF in a subdirectory. I think this is causing issues as the response we receive when accessing any images is the wordpress domain and NOT XF.

Our XF is in the subdirectory /community but all avatars and images display a 404.
I have tried uploading a new image when R2 is enabled and that also has the same issue.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Screenshot from 2024-01-29 09-45-00.webp
Check your External data URL under Options -> Cloudflare.

Are you somehow using a relative URL instead of an absolute URL (it should start with https://)? If it's not starting with the protocol (https://), XenForo will treat it as a directory.

Beyond that, I can't really tell you much without being able to look at the actual URL...
Check your External data URL under Options -> Cloudflare.

Are you somehow using a relative URL instead of an absolute URL (it should start with https://)? If it's not starting with the protocol (https://), XenForo will treat it as a directory.

Beyond that, I can't really tell you much without being able to look at the actual URL...
Yes I just added https:// and images appear however avatars do not.
Ill PM you the URL.
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