Implemented Development: Add On Upgrade Method


in memoriam 1991-2020

The method for handling install / uninstall on XenForo is amazing and powerful. However, I feel that handling 'upgrades' are kind of lacking... I was talking to Jaxel who is using IF NOT EXISTS and other such mySQL queries to insert / create tables. However, I propose a new setting for add-ons: Upgrade Code. Where this code is only run when you upgrade via the Add ons -> Add on -> Controls -> Upgrade Addon and is passed the version number of the current add on (that you're over writing) and you place it on developers to handle upgrading. Something like this:

class addOn
	public static function upgrade($version)
		if($version < 2)
			// This stuff was added in version id 2
		if($version >= 2 && $version < 5)
			// This stuff was added in version id 2, but removed in version id 5, so we don't want to try to remove it... etc...

This will be powerful, and more than just 'cascading' in a sense. The second if() is something I see as extremely useful. So for version ID 2, I add something, but in version ID 5, I decide to move it. If I upgrade from version ID 3, I want to remove the table, but if I'm upgrading from version ID 6, its not there any more, so we don't want to do it.

It'll help create cleaner / more organized SQL and stuff for install() and uninstall(), separating upgrade functionality.
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It would be cool, to have an automatic install code generator.

We had a Add-on in vB, which "checked" the db for new tables and files.
There we could asign the new elements to add-ons.
For example:

Addon: foobar Version 1.0.0

New tables: foo, bar, baz
New fields: table permissions=> canFoo, canBaz

The add-on generated the sql code and inserted it into the install & deinstall code field.
So we hadn't to take care of this:)

This was whery comfortable:)
When an add-on is upgraded an install callback is being executed as well. It also passes an array with old (before upgrade) add-on info to your callback, so you can use something like
public static function install($addon)
	if ($addon['versionid'] == 2)
		// This stuff was added in version id 2
	if ($addon['versionid'] >= 2 && $addon['versionid'] < 5)
		// This stuff was added in version id 2, but removed in version id 5, so we don't want to try to remove it... etc...
You can also check if $addon is empty and run install code in this case, otherwise check version id and run appropriate upgrade code.
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