Lack of interest Define language per node

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Well-known member
We can only define one language per installation. So even if we have a multilingual setup then all content will get the same language identifier. i.e. English content will get the ISO language code lang="de" if the main language is chosen to be German.
This is pretty bad for SEO, because Google needs the language identifier to index the content correctly. An English user will get search results from Google in their language defined to be English. So if the language variable is set incorrectly by Xenforo then the content will not come up in Google in such search. At least not as ranking.

As xenforo does not allow for the same node to have content in different languages, most websites have setup categories and child nodes dedicated to a language. i.e.
- English category
- - English node 1
- - English node 2
- - English node 3
- German Category
- - German node 1
- - German node 2
- - German node 3

If we would be able to set a language per node then we could give Google the needed language variable.

But there are a lot more benefits, because as soon as a node language is defined addon developers can start building multilingual addon functionality.
Upvote 6
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Here are some examples where XenForo is causing problematic source code setting the websites back in Google:
<html id="XenForo" lang="en-US"
This is the official forum for paradox games like Europe Univeralis 4, so it should top rank for a search for 'forum europa universalis 4' in
Yet, it doesn't. Other forums rank higher. Like JeuxVideo forum and RGS which both have correct language code:
<html lang="fr">
<html xml:lang="fr" lang="fr"
This means that JeuxVideo and RGS gain more traffic from Google France than the official site does.
@ParadoxOfficial @Paradox Interactive

Same for these big boards:ñol.136/
<html id="XenForo" lang="en-US"
<html id="XenForo" lang="en-US"
<html id="XenForo" lang="en-US"
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