My questions will likely be (relatively) easy to answer.
- If I purchase a license, is it a one-domain license? For example, I purchase it for x.com, is it able to be used on y.com as well (at the same time)? If not at the same time, can a license be transferred from x.com to y.com?
- Is there special upgrade pricing? Say, if I purchase 1.1, and 1.2 comes out, do I get 1.2 free? Or, say I buy 1.2, and 2.0 comes out, is there a reduced price?
- Is there a yearly renewal price?
- Is there a SMF conversion tool?
- Is there a built in Facebook login tool? For example, on my SMF forum, users can login with Facebook, but it is a separate plugin. Does XenForo need a separate plugin?
- If I purchase just a XenForo license, and then later need, for example, XenForo Enhanced Search, can I purchase that separately?
- Does XenForo have integrated SSL/HTTPS? My website has a dedicated SSL certificate, and I'd like to integrate it with XenForo as well, if possible.
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