Cut off Extensions in media name


Active member
I would like to suggest that the Extension name will be cut from the Media names for a cleaner gallery (.jpg .png. gif etc).
Name.jpg will be Name

I know this has been mentioned before but I don't see a suggestion
Upvote 7
I understand this suggestion but it doesn't go far enough... Many members upload photos with names like IMG-078_20220813.jpg and in this case simply removing the extension does not help much... Unfortunately it there's not much you can do about it except forcing members to rename their uploaded photos.
@nicodak I understand you. But Correctly named photos would benefit from this. There is no reason to add to the clutter.
We could also suggest a mandatory name change..
@Tracy Perry Might be a good Idea but somewhat delicate if users are uploading many photos at once. The interface needs to be simple..
And they can be prompted (and take the time) to give a name to each one. Image72342343, Image 23742397423, Image103283427 looks NO better than having the extension on them. At least with having the extension, you know what image format they are in.
When I refer to "naming" them.. I refer to giving them a title. I REALLY don't want to go into a media gallery and see a title of Image23423423423. I'd rather see View from the mountain of the bay, and I'm sure most viewers would do the same.
This is a great suggestion. I'm currently uploading hundreds of images and it would be great if "2024 Cloning Tube Scene by Wes.png" would automatically be titled as "2024 Cloning Tube Scene by Wes" instead of "2024 Cloning Tube Scene by Wes.webm" (I am using the image format conversion feature).
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