XF 2.2 customs css for notice

Old Nick

Well-known member

I created a custom CSS in extra.less for my visitor notice. perfect.
I want to create an other custom CSS for regsitered users but whatever I write in extra,less nothing changes for the registered user notice. If i create a custom CSS like this for example
.custom-reg {
    background: black;
    border: 1px solid red;
    border-radius: 50px;
and i put custom-reg in custom CSS for my registered notice, nothing changes. as if it were impossible to create 2 css custom for the notices.
Not totally following what you're reporting but the simple fact is if you've populated the custom CSS class field for the notice with the class name and then have the corresponding class name in extra.less then it should work.

If it isn't, then there could be other issues, like specificity of the CSS or some other mistake.
Not totally following what you're reporting but the simple fact is if you've populated the custom CSS class field for the notice with the class name and then have the corresponding class name in extra.less then it should work.

If it isn't, then there could be other issues, like specificity of the CSS or some other mistake.
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