CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Fixed everything.

I removed this
"text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;"

Style Properties: CTA Featured Threads Page - thread title

...although when I fix one thing, another thing breaks. heh...

Thanks for the replies!
Hi thank you for your efforts to make XF as a huge portal. I'd like to learn as a Turkish Xenforo User (version 1.5.0) can i use this portal easily and install directly within add-on section without changing my preferences although your add-on is English? Thank you again
Yes, the language makes no difference with regards to the functionality.

You can of course translate it for your own use.
I have been asked to help someone who has CTA forum ad threads installed on latest xenforo. Using pixeledit core template, when that template is enabled, home page (default is std forum list) the central block is blank. Side bars are ok - they still show widget framework. If I goto the url of one of the fourms, CTA thread is at the top. Using default template it works, so seems pixeledit related
Any ideas?
Will ask them for there username. They only asked me a few days ago to help as they knew I used xenforo. Hoping they have not done a fast one, if so, there goes my help. Sites on a offline, local server at the moment.
I just have a feature request. Currently it is possible to show featured threads in own, parent or all forums. It would be very helpful if it also would be possible to select forums manually from a node tree (similar to the section "enable automatic featuring"). @Brogan
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Nothing has changed with regards to the automatic featuring code since it was implemented, so whatever you were doing previously should still work.

The only things which can affect the content like that are the options related to BB Code and the maximum characters.
I have no clue how it was doing it before and/or why it stopped doing it. It just started doing it one day, and stopped a month or two later.
Do you have automatic featuring enabled with bb code disabled?

If so, and you make a post with just a YouTube video and no text, then the bb code is stripped so there is no content and hence nothing to feature.

I could change that and have just [MEDIA] as the featured content but it seems a bit pointless.
Only by running a query:
UPDATE xf_thread
SET cta_ft_featured = 0
WHERE thread_id = x

Substitute x with the thread ID.

Then run Rebuild CTA Featured Threads in the tools menu in the ACP.
I have this set to our homepage but I'd like the page title (as displayed in the title bar) to be:

Site Name | Board Meta Description

Right now all it shows is the site name. Is there a way to do that? Which template would I edit?

I am currently using the CTA Featured Threads addon and I am trying to figure two small things out.

1) How can I limit or remove the sub text that shows up on my slider (it currenly shows the thread name and below that is a random amount of the first couple of lines of the post)? 2) Also for my portal page where my non slider stories post, I would love to find a way where i can pick where the text preview cuts off so I can align it with the bottom of the picture to the left.

Any help is appreciated,
Thank you,
The title and snippet can be disabled and the character count set in the slider style properties.

Also for my portal page where my non slider stories post, I would love to find a way where i can pick where the text preview cuts off so I can align it with the bottom of the picture to the left.
If all of the images are the same size, you would probably be better off implementing this:
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Is it possible to hide poll when the user voted?
Now I featured a thread that has a poll.
Its appearing in forum list as a new feature thread. and its poll is there too.
But I want to hide the poll (and its thread block) from those who voted, from the forum list.

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