CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
I have tested it on four different installs - two on local host and two live sites (mine and XMG) and it works perfectly.
Perhaps you have another add-on, outdated templates or some code changes causing it?
I've just disabled all add-ons in the ACP (and even unticked template modifications from those disabled add-ons) and tried again but it still doesn't censor the text that I type into the title box.
I've checked for outdated templates and don't have any.
I rebuilt master data just in case
I reinstalled 1.3.0 to be sure no files were missing etc
I can't think of any template edits I've made that would affect this either.

Any other suggestions I can try?
So you click on Feature Thread, add a forbidden word to the title, save it and it appears in the output?
So you click on Feature Thread, add a forbidden word to the title, save it and it appears in the output?
That is correct.

It's only the Featured Threads title box that this is happening in, the censor works correctly in the message box.
I can't reproduce it at all and it makes no sense that it can do that as the code doesn't allow for it.
The title text is run through the censor helper on save, for featuring and editing.
Exactly the same as the message text.
It's actually saved in the database in the censored format.

Every test I have done it censors the words, whether they are "match exact word" or not.
Adding a word to the censor for an already featured thread and then editing and saving censors the new word.

Is anyone else able to reproduce this?

The other approach I could take would be to censor on view/page load, but that would require some code changes.

If you can provide an ACP log in then I can take a look to see if there's any obvious reason why it's not working.
@Brogan - I decided to risk it and tested it on my live site and it works there.

No idea why it's not working on my dev site, as this has the same add-ons and code changes as the live site plus the same censoring. :confused:

If I find out what the issue is with the dev site then I'll let you know but it's looking like an isolated incident.
Good to know @Martok and thanks for letting me know.

I will probably change the censor behaviour anyway as that will also cater for instances where new words are added after threads have been featured.
Well, I have solved the problem of why the title wasn't censoring on my dev site but worked on my live site.

On Thursday I migrated from my old host to my new one and this was done by my new host, Nimbus Hosting. Although the live site is working perfectly well with them, for some reason my dev site which is on a subdomain, is still at my old host. So whilst I've been uploading 1.3.0. to my new dev webspace, unbeknownst to me I've been using the old site, which explains why things haven't worked (though it does show 1.3.0 in the ACP) and why posts I've made and featured threads are missing in the relevant tables in the (new) database!

Anyway, apologies for wasting your time on this when it was a failed migration. I'll be getting Nimbus to sort this shortly!
Installed easily and very customizable through the AdminUI.

I searched this thread and didn't see this suggested but can there be an option to add the author's name in the thread title? I know you can mouseover the avatar and the author's name will popup but I do want to give credit to the original poster of the featured thread by specifically listing their username.

So you would see something like

"Featured Thread is a great Xenforo addon! By Brogan"
omg. I was looking at the source code to figure out how to change this without realizing that this mod uses XF's template system so it would have been super easy to do myself. Oops. :whistle:

For anyone looking to do the above, I just made a template mod to replace this:
<a href="{xen:link threads, $featuredThread}" class="ctaFtThreadTitleLink">{$featuredThread.featured_title}</a>
With this:
<a href="{xen:link threads, $featuredThread}" class="ctaFtThreadTitleLink">{$featuredThread.featured_title}</a>
                <xen:if is="{$featuredThread.user_id}">
                    <span class="ctaFtFeaturedThreadTextAuthor">By <xen:username user="$featuredThread" title="{$featuredThread.username}" /></span>
Then added this in extra.css:
.ctaFtFeaturedThreadTextAuthor {
color: @mutedTextColor;
XF makes it too easy.

Thanks for the awesome mod!
For anyone wondering, I have tested this with XenForo 1.2.4 and there are no issues as far as I can tell, so it is safe to upgrade.
Hi Brogan,

Not sure if I've missed a suggestion like this in the thread, but here is one:

Currently when you set a featured thread, and then edit the title of that thread, it doesn't update the title on the featured thread block itself, and you have to manually edit it. If you could add an option that allows you to update the featured thread title automatically when you edit the thread title that would be great.
That's intentional.
The featured thread title and message content are stored in a separate table to allow for complete editorial control.
Updating one or the other doesn't affect either one.
Okay, I don't think this would be a simple template mod so until I get a better feel for modding, I'll throw this out as a suggestion. :D

Right now, the addon randomly selects one featured thread and that is all you see until you refresh.

How about an option to set a number of featured threads that will automatically rotate at the top of the node/forum view? So let's say you configure 5 as the number then if you go to the node list, it will show one then "slide" to the next after a few seconds, etc.

Like a javascript slider except instead of sliding images you would slide featured threads. :)
That has been suggested but it would require significant code changes.
... are you bot? How'd you respond so fast?! :p

Aw well. Anyway, already gotten positive response from some of the users that posted threads that I decided to feature. :) Thanks again for the addon!
That suggestion is on the list but I can't promise that it will ever be developed.
I do however note down all suggestions and seriously consider them.
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