CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

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I don't know why, but the slider is not visible in my portal, same result using the default style, all I can see is a big blank block.
Are you using a RTL language?

If so, add this to the end of the cta_featuredthreads_slider.css template:

<xen:if is="{$pageIsRtl}">
    rtl-raw.direction: ltr;

    rtl-raw.direction: rtl;
    rtl-raw.text-align: right;

I was recently informed that the slider is not compatible with RTL, so that is a workaround.
You can't have the landing/home page outside the directory where XenForo is installed.

You would need to move the installation to the root.
Development of 2.11 has been under way for a few days now.

The play/pause controls have been moved to the bottom right:


This is to avoid the pager controls overlapping and has therefore allowed me to increased the max slider entries to 50.


The play/pause and pager controls are now hidden at the narrow responsive width.

In addition, the left/right controls now change position at narrower widths, so they remain vertically centred.


A new Style Property to fade the transition has been added.


You can see it in action my own site: http://cliptheapex.com/

A new Style Property has also been added for the background images, providing more control.


More to come...
If you want to use it now, edit the cta_featuredthreads_slider template and change this:
mode: <xen:if is="@ctaFtSliderOptionTransition">'horizontal'<xen:else />'vertical'</xen:if>,

To this:
mode: 'fade',
If you want to use it now, edit the cta_featuredthreads_slider template and change this:
mode: <xen:if is="@ctaFtSliderOptionTransition">'horizontal'<xen:else />'vertical'</xen:if>,

To this:
mode: 'fade',
The best. Works like a charm. Looks less agressive to me.

Btw, with new upgrade is this going to be overwritten? I won't have to worry about that edit? Yes, still a noob :)
I set automatic featuring and to show only latest featured threads on new/recent posts, but they don't show.

Is this "latest" option only for manually featured threads?
The two options are not related.

Checking the latest featured thread will show the last thread to be featured, whether manually or automatically.

I have just tested it and it works as expected.
Btw, it shows only latest (one!) featured thread or possible to set it to show latest in certain period of time?
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