XF 1.2 cron entries not happening.

my page container:

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<body{xen:if {$bodyClasses}, ' class="{$bodyClasses}"'}>
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<div id="headerMover">

   <div id="headerProxy"></div>

<div id="content" class="{$contentTemplate}">
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                 {xen:raw $beforeH1}
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             {xen:raw $contents}
             <xen:include template="ad_below_content" />
             <xen:if is="!{$visitor.user_id} && !{$hideLoginBar}">
               <!-- login form, to be moved to the upper drop-down -->
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         <!-- sidebar -->
           <div class="sidebar">
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       <div class="breadBoxBottom"><xen:include template="breadcrumb" /></div>
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   <xen:include template="header" />
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   <xen:include template="footer" />

<xen:include template="page_container_js_body" />

<xen:if is="{$cronLink}"><img src="{$cronLink}" width="1" height="1" alt="" style="display: none" /></xen:if>

Your PAGE_CONTAINER template is out of date. I'd recommend reverting it (and redoing your changes) or potentially using the merge system if you haven't.
If @King Kovifor's suggestion worked, but it has since broken, then it's likely that one of your add-ons has a cron task that's failing. I could only recommend disabling add-ons.

There is a fix in for 1.2.1 that prevents the issue from fundamentally occurring (prevents the crons from totally stopping), though a cron having a fatal error is a fairly big deal and should be resolved.
If @King Kovifor's suggestion worked, but it has since broken, then it's likely that one of your add-ons has a cron task that's failing. I could only recommend disabling add-ons.

There is a fix in for 1.2.1 that prevents the issue from fundamentally occurring (prevents the crons from totally stopping), though a cron having a fatal error is a fairly big deal and should be resolved.
This as well as the post above from @King Kovifor were incredibly helpful, so far, in resolving the same difficulty. I am running multiple sitemap add-ons in cron, and this may have something to do with it. Worst case scenario is that these can be disabled and run manually, until such a flaw is found. Hopefully it will not stall again, but thanks a lot for the info on this issue. Unfortunately, I made a duplicate thread and support request addendum that could be dismissed or removed at this time.
Well, the issue is that I already applied the fix to your board when I was dealing with the bulk threads issue as your cron tasks were stopped then.

But yes, that is a workaround. I will continue research for 1.2.1.
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