XF 1.2 Creating and Associating Phrases


Well-known member
I have a suggestion thread here regarding adding more phrases, but rather than waiting for it to be implemented or not, I thought I'd try myself.

So, using watched threads as an example, the "Managing account details" phrase is currently used for your activity when you're on that page, but that really only makes sense for stuff related to managing your account, such as your personal details (although I would like to get specific with each of the things relating to your account as well, such as "Managing signature").

Anyway, I know where to create phrases, so I would go there and create a phrase with "Viewing watched threads" as the text, but how do I associate it? If I were to go to my watched threads, I'd still see "Managing account details."

Also, how would I create and associate a phrase containing a hyperlink? For example, "Viewing likes received."


Perfect. Got it to work with phrasing:

{xen:phrase khf_current_style}: {$visitorStyle.title}

However, how can I make "Current Style:" just text? If you go to the site, you'll see it's part of the same link you click on to bring up the style chooser overlay.
It was a simple html template edit.

<a href="misc/style?redirect=%2F" class="OverlayTrigger Tooltip" rel="nofollow" style="display:inline;">KH-Flare 4.0</a>

I simply added the:


to make the link appear next to the current style phrase.
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