Cover it live integration


New member
Not sure if this is the best place to put this but our forum is heavy sports discussion based and with football season coming up a group of users were asking about cover it live as a chat feature.

I thought it would be pretty basic as they give you a code and you simply paste it in the thread you want to talk about the specific event.

However I created one quickly and it doesn't work even though the site claims it works on every site. Here is what I got:
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="550px" width="470px" frameBorder ="0" ><a href="" >YSU vs. MSU</a></iframe>

Is there a way to get the actual box to show up within Xenforo?
You could embed the iframe in a page quite easily.

You will need to associate your forum account with your license to be able to post in the customer forums.
I have create a BB Code media site for CoverItLive and it works great on my site
Media Site ID: coveritlive
Site Title: CoveritLive
Site URL:
Embed HTML:
<iframe frameborder="no" width="500" height="570" scrolling="no" src="{$id}"></iframe>
I have create a BB Code media site for CoverItLive and it works great on my site

Media Site ID:​

This will be used to identify the media site to load in the BB code.
Site Title:​

Site URL:​

  • Show this site on the list of 'supported' sites shown to visitors
Match URLs:​

You may use * as a wildcard, and {$id} to point to the media's ID. This ID will then be referenced in the embed code. Put each URL on a separate line.
Embed HTML:​

Enter {$id} where you want the user-entered media ID to

Hey Andy I think you might need to wrap that in code or something because I can't see any of the actual inputs.
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