Converting vBulletin 4.2.1 to XF


Active member
I am thinking of switching from vbulletin 4.2.1 to XF and would need the professional installation option. Does the professional installation option ($50) include importing and converting vbulletin 4 into the latest version of XF?

Thank you for your help.
Doesn't XenForo support this by default?

Yes - but there are many reasons why an import might seem daunting - big forums, custom addons, redirects.

All of which - if not handled well - could see your site lose functionality, users lose features, and even potential data loss.

Additionally, while the xenforo importer is welcome, it does take a while to process a large database - but using the command line importer addon, which may be faster, may also be beyond many admins.

That being said, the xenforo support has been amazing. Forum support questions are usually answered in hours, even minutes. I remember a certain other forum site where response time could be measured in days.
Where is this command line importer found?

Can't recommend it enough. My site has 3m posts, ~150k attachments, 80k users. With a bunch of prep work and running the incremental attachment importer ahead of time, my total downtime was about an hour. I ran a few test imports ahead of time and cleared out some broken attachments, a couple usergroup problems, etc.

The overall migration was a pretty huge undertaking but the actual data import ended up being a piece of cake thanks that that importer.
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