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Conversation Improvements by Xon 1.3.15

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the IP can be viewed by only admins right? and not normal users

Sorry if its silly question
It uses the same permissions as to view the post/profile post/profile post comment IP. This is something you can assign per user group
Uninstalling this addon remove all its data on the database also?
Or I have to delete them all by myself?
Uninstalling this addon remove all its data on the database also?
Or I have to delete them all by myself?
Most database data should be removed, including Likes.

However, it doesn't remove data from the search index and doesn't remove any alerts. I forgot about those.
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@Xon - just installed this addon, and I've had the server error stating to rebuild the search index for the new content types, however, they aren't being shown in the rebuild choices.

Exception: Please rebuild the search index for the content types: Conversation, Conversation Message - library/SV/Utils/Deferred/Search.php:47
Generated By: Unknown Account, 10 minutes ago

I can see them in the table:
> SELECT content_type FROM xf_content_type;
| content_type          |
| attachment            |
| conversation          |
| conversation_message  |
| custom_field          |
| node                  |
| page                  |
| post                  |
| profile_post          |
| profile_post_comment  |
| tag                   |
| thread                |
| user                  |
| xengallery            |
| xengallery_album      |
| xengallery_category   |
| xengallery_comment    |
| xengallery_media      |
| xengallery_rating     |
| xengallery_user_album |
| xengallery_user_media |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Hmm, I wonder if this is something to do with the fact it appears the site previously ran the Waindigo Conversation Search addon?

I'm still seeing stuff about that addon in the database:

> SELECT * FROM xf_content_type_field WHERE content_type LIKE '%conversation%';
| content_type         | field_name                 | field_value                                                        |
| conversation         | alert_handler_class        | XenForo_AlertHandler_Conversation                                  |
| conversation         | edit_history_handler_class | SV_ConversationImprovements_EditHistoryHandler_Conversation        |
| conversation         | search_handler_class       | Waindigo_ConvSearch_Search_DataHandler_Conversation                |
| conversation         | spam_handler_class         | XenForo_SpamHandler_Conversation                                   |
| conversation         | stats_handler_class        | XenForo_StatsHandler_Conversation                                  |
| conversation_message | alert_handler_class        | SV_ConversationImprovements_AlertHandler_ConversationMessage       |
| conversation_message | attachment_handler_class   | XenForo_AttachmentHandler_ConversationMessage                      |
| conversation_message | edit_history_handler_class | SV_ConversationImprovements_EditHistoryHandler_ConversationMessage |
| conversation_message | like_handler_class         | SV_ConversationImprovements_LikeHandler_ConversationMessage        |
| conversation_message | news_feed_handler_class    | SV_ConversationImprovements_NewsFeedHandler_ConversationMessage    |
| conversation_message | report_handler_class       | XenForo_ReportHandler_ConversationMessage                          |
| conversation_message | search_handler_class       | Waindigo_ConvSearch_Search_DataHandler_ConversationMessage         |

Compared to another site running this addon:
> SELECT * FROM xf_content_type_field WHERE content_type LIKE '%conversation%';
| content_type         | field_name                 | field_value                                                        |
| conversation         | alert_handler_class        | XenForo_AlertHandler_Conversation                                  |
| conversation         | edit_history_handler_class | SV_ConversationImprovements_EditHistoryHandler_Conversation        |
| conversation         | search_handler_class       | SV_ConversationImprovements_Search_DataHandler_Conversation        |
| conversation         | spam_handler_class         | XenForo_SpamHandler_Conversation                                   |
| conversation         | stats_handler_class        | XenForo_StatsHandler_Conversation                                  |
| conversation_message | alert_handler_class        | SV_ConversationImprovements_AlertHandler_ConversationMessage       |
| conversation_message | attachment_handler_class   | XenForo_AttachmentHandler_ConversationMessage                      |
| conversation_message | edit_history_handler_class | SV_ConversationImprovements_EditHistoryHandler_ConversationMessage |
| conversation_message | like_handler_class         | SV_ConversationImprovements_LikeHandler_ConversationMessage        |
| conversation_message | news_feed_handler_class    | SV_ConversationImprovements_NewsFeedHandler_ConversationMessage    |
| conversation_message | report_handler_class       | XenForo_ReportHandler_ConversationMessage                          |
| conversation_message | search_handler_class       | SV_ConversationImprovements_Search_DataHandler_ConversationMessage |
Yes it was! So another addon from Jon that didn't remove itself properly when uninstalled. I've edited the values in the DB, ran the install xml again, and now I'm rebuilding the conversation content types :)
Yes it was! So another addon from Jon that didn't remove itself properly when uninstalled. I've edited the values in the DB, ran the install xml again, and now I'm rebuilding the conversation content types :)
someone should write an addon which checks for orphaned addon remnants :)
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