XF 1.2 Conditional depending from URL


Active member
Hi there,

I am planning for my community a "blog-system" with XenZine Articles. For this "blog" section I'd like to change the Forum Name to:

"Forum Name - Blogs"

So I thought the best way would be a conditional which look s at the URL. If the URL is


than use "Forum Name - Blogs" as Forum Name (Titel)

else use "Forum Name " as Forum Name (Titel)

Is there any conditional which can be used for this?

Thanks Benny
Look for the template that contains the title you want to change and find the:

<xen:title> or <xen:h1> tags.

Change those to whatever you like.

No conditionals necessary.
Perfect works fine ... but now I have another question:

Is there also a possibility to change the logo? I have a text Logo and wan't it also to show "Forum Name - Blog"?

Thanks Benny
It will depend on your style...

Somewhere on one of your templates you will have the logo text defined.

You could then use a conditional, such as:

<xen:if is="{$contentTemplate} == 'BLOG_TEMPLATE_NAME'">
    Forum Name - Blog
<xen:else />
    Current Text Logo

Just change BLOG_TEMPLATE_NAME with whatever the name of the template is that you edited before :)
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