Coinbase Commerce Integration

Coinbase Commerce Integration [Paid] 1.0.2

No permission to buy (£25.00)
The license holder must contact for support at the link given. We cannot efficiently provide support, nor validate licenses, on here.

Will ask the license holder for the plugin to contact via the link given. Little bit crummy though ngl.
How is it crummy? Developers need to verify that people actually have a license in order to support paid addons, and that can not be done here, only from the site the addon was purchased from. Or should we give support to pirates as well?
waiting for 2.2x
I haven't had the chance to test this on XF 2.2 yet, but I'm not aware of anything that would break this one. Are you already a current customer? If so, are you experiencing errors using this on XF 2.2?
I haven't had the chance to test this on XF 2.2 yet, but I'm not aware of anything that would break this one. Are you already a current customer? If so, are you experiencing errors using this on XF 2.2?

no im waiting for buy ! with 2.2.1 version.. im checking every week for update.
yes, thats exactly what it does, it routes the payments to whatever wallet you want, it's possible with your blockchain wallet
i use btcPayServer so users can purchase credits with db credits add-on , siropu ads manager add-ons, i also use it for donations,

except i don't use the blockchain wallet because they require kyc,
i use electrum instead, this way, no one can shut me down,
i am my own bank

you can try the demo
yes, thats exactly what it does, it routes the payments to whatever wallet you want, it's possible with your blockchain wallet
i use btcPayServer so users can purchase credits with db credits add-on , siropu ads manager add-ons, i also use it for donations,

except i don't use the blockchain wallet because they require kyc,
i use electrum instead, this way, no one can shut me down,
i am my own bank

you can try the demo
51463 is there an integration/plugin for BTCPay on Xenforo? Please advise. TY.

51463 is there an integration/plugin for BTCPay on Xenforo? Please advise. TY.
For what? If you want to be independent from banks/idiotic paypal and other payment providers, that lock clients money (really are thiefs), you can use your own Bitcoin Payment addon with your own Bitcoin Core wallet. It's already exists. You just need server for that (starting >15-20$ month) on Linux, because you should download full blockchain (~350 GB) for that. But all this is highly secure in the end.

51463 is there an integration/plugin for BTCPay on Xenforo? Please advise. TY.

There is no btcPay add-on here,

currently there is only 2 add-ons here for Bitcoin

the coinbase one in this thread, but coinbase will ban you if you have stuff against their terms , so i advise not to use it if u do bad things

the other is here:

but the guy @021 says you have to download the whole blockchain on your server, which is 350gb, it seems like a lot of space,
im not sure how complicated it is to setup, i didnt buy it, i was thinking of buying it, but i dont want the blockchain on my server, my server doesnt have alot of space

i use @Siropu's advertising add-on, it has "BANK PAYMENT" but instead of BANK PAYMENT i changed it to Bitcoin Payment,
then i put a link to btcPay Jungle website, and then it works fine,
but it is not automatic, it is manual payment,

a bit complicated

i would show you on my forum, but my forum is down at the moment because i am changing servers

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Hi excellent Module. When the a update comes out for XF 2.2 ?
Hi. The current version already works in XF 2.2 (nothing has changed to break it). I've just done a quick test to confirm. I've updated the resource accordingly. :)
Hello mate, in my country is paypal not avalible. I can pay yout with BTC nut as i saw you just accept PayPal.
Is there any way to buy your addon with BTC ?
Horrible support after payment! I try to get access to my account, the provider ask for a domain to license his software to so he can make sure who is using his ADD on, that's great. I lost my email and asked to get it changed to an email address matching the domain for which we have bought a license, he just send standard replies. We can't do anything without a PP trx number.

The problem is that we get lot's of errors from his plugin
#0 src/addons/nanocode/CryptoPayments/Payment/CoinbaseCommerce.php(176): XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE] Tryi...', '/var/www/vhosts...', 176, Array)
#1 payment_callback.php(36): nanocode\CryptoPayments\Payment\CoinbaseCommerce->validateCallback(Object(XF\Payment\CallbackState))
#2 {main}

Which I can't get resolve because they refuse to help!

Be warned, even it is only £25 they can damage your business, is that worth it for this low amount, for us we are finish with such unprofessional behavior!
Hello mate, in my country is paypal not avalible. I can pay yout with BTC nut as i saw you just accept PayPal.
Is there any way to buy your addon with BTC ?
Hi. Sorry, unfortunately don’t accept Bitcoin for payments atm. You can pay with card as well.

Horrible support after payment! I try to get access to my account, the provider ask for a domain to license his software to so he can make sure who is using his ADD on, that's great. I lost my email and asked to get it changed to an email address matching the domain for which we have bought a license, he just send standard replies. We can't do anything without a PP trx number.

The problem is that we get lot's of errors from his plugin
#0 src/addons/nanocode/CryptoPayments/Payment/CoinbaseCommerce.php(176): XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE] Tryi...', '/var/www/vhosts...', 176, Array)
#1 payment_callback.php(36): nanocode\CryptoPayments\Payment\CoinbaseCommerce->validateCallback(Object(XF\Payment\CallbackState))
#2 {main}

Which I can't get resolve because they refuse to help!

Be warned, even it is only £25 they can damage your business, is that worth it for this low amount, for us we are finish with such unprofessional behavior!
When a user doesn’t have access to the email on account and doesn’t remember the password, we ask some questions to confirm they are the account holder. So far, you’ve refused to answer them. It would be completely irresponsible for us to just take a person at their word and transfer an account accordingly, especially since logging into an account shows that account’s personal information (such as billing address etc).
So far, you’ve refused to answer them.
damn you are a liar, I didn't refuse anything at any point, I made it damn clear to you that I don't have access to the email any longer! I made it damn clear to you that you simply could change the email address that match to the domain to which I bought a license.

It looks like you want to squeeze an extra money out of us or simply don't understand English.

There is nothing irresponsible with this:

You issued a license to which we paid for, and after all your blah blah I asked you to change the email to how can that be irresponsible any other service would do that!

You simply don't understand what you are doing or the mistake is on your site and you don't want to admit that you don't saved my data and therefore you don't know what domains you issue license to!
damn you are a liar, I didn't refuse anything at any point, I made it damn clear to you that I don't have access to the email any longer! I made it damn clear to you that you simply could change the email address that match to the domain to which I bought a license.

It looks like you want to squeeze an extra money out of us or simply don't understand English.

There is nothing irresponsible with this:

You issued a license to which we paid for, and after all your blah blah I asked you to change the email to how can that be irresponsible any other service would do that!

You simply don't understand what you are doing or the mistake is on your site and you don't want to admit that you don't saved my data and therefore you don't know what domains you issue license to!
I'm not saying you didn't requested the email be changed. You did indeed request it be changed, but we can't action that request because you're not authenticated on the account, you don't know the password, you don't have access to the email address, and did not answer any of the security questions. Actually, the email on account you provided was not correct either (although I was able to lookup the license that I believe you're referring to using the installation URL).

We don't consider access to a different email address on the same domain as adequate verification that a person is the account holder. (For example, there could be two different people at the same organisation.) I'd imagine this is standard policy but every data processor makes their own policies on account recovery.

If you can answer the security questions then we can proceed on that basis. If you can't then if you can let us know why and we may be able to offer alternate options.
unprofessional, I hope people read this before they buy anything from you. You have no clue about how to handle such issues.

Your so called security questions don't exists, all you ask for is PayPal trx number or email and as I told a hundred times I can't find it, we operate multiple companies with multiple paypal accounts with thousands of transactions.

I could give a **** about the £25 but this is simply a principle case and I find your lack of customer support sucks.
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