Lack of interest Code event listeners in batch update users

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Well-known member
Please, could you add a new event listener in the batch update users ?

This would allow to add more feature to the batch update.

I did that on an add-on for a customer but it needs re-do at each update:
Edit the file library/XenForo/Deferred/UserAction.php.

Add before $userDw->save(); the following code :
XenForo_CodeEvent::fire('batch_update_users_actions', array($data, $userDw, $userModel));

The code to search is at line 145.

I think this would not just benefit me but other developers.
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What specifically are you looking to do?

It's already possible to extend Deferred classes using the load_class event listener.
My intend was to allow modification of new fields through the batch users.

I surely could extend it but it would mean I'd have to execute a datawriter call twice (once for the parent and once in my extend).
Unless there is some smarter way I missed ?
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