CMS available to replace vB4?


New member

What CMS options are available for XF that can replace the vB4 CMS or vbAdvance? Is XenPorta 2 my best bet or is there an official CMS planned in the near future? I require a module that displays a list of most recent threads and addition of a post bumps that thread back to the top of the list. It must also function as a centre block as well as a side block. Is this something that is currently available?

Finally, are there any features that vB4 has that XF is missing? Anything I might miss?

Thanks for your help.


Thanks @Dakis, I appreciate the help. I looked at both links and I don't think they are capable of replacing the vBadvanced Recent Threads module for me. CTA Features Threads only keeps threads for 24 hours - I'm looking for more of a permanent list of all recent threads, as new posts are made the thread is bumped to the top of the list.

Regarding available features that vB4 has but not XF - nothing specific, just wondering if there is anything that jumps out or that I should be aware of.
Thanks @Dakis, I appreciate the help. I looked at both links and I don't think they are capable of replacing the vBadvanced Recent Threads module for me. CTA Features Threads only keeps threads for 24 hours - I'm looking for more of a permanent list of all recent threads, as new posts are made the thread is bumped to the top of the list.

Regarding available features that vB4 has but not XF - nothing specific, just wondering if there is anything that jumps out or that I should be aware of.
BD Widget Framework can certainly do what you are looking for based off the website in your signature. Infact it can do a whole lot more...
@tajhay thanks for your help. Reading the included Widgets for BD Widget Framework it lists:
- Threads. 4 modes: new threads, new replies, most viewed, most replied, most liked, polls
I think a combination of new threads and new replies would be what I need. I feel either of them on their own won't accomplish what I'm looking for. I believe the New Threads widget won't bump a thread to the top of the list once a reply is made... and New Replies widget would list each new reply separately in the list even if belonging all to the same thread, instead of just bumping the thread to the top each time. Am I wrong?

@Brogan thank you for giving me some additional details on your mod. I'm glad you can adjust the time a thread is featured to indefinitely but without a reply bumping a post to the top, I wouldn't be able to use it. I've taken a look at the default New Posts sidebar and it is more or less what I'm looking for but would need to be able to use it as a centre block on the home page as well as a side bar?

(as a registered member of the forum in my sig, in addition to the Recent Threads in the centre you will notice the same module utilized as sidebars displaying Off-Topic and For Sale threads)
UPDATE: on the Foums page it shows this post I just mad in the New Posts sidebar but when I click the title which brings me to a page listing all the New Posts, this thread/post doesn't appear? Curious what is causing the inconsistency? Thank you.
Thanks @Brogan you're a big help. Is it possible to use the default New Posts block as a centre block on the home page? Or only as a side block?

or as a centre and side block on the home page? This is exactly what I'm looking for but hoping it can be used more as a module (centre and side) then as-is an entire page.

If not, I will look further into BD Widgets or XenPorta 2 to see if one will do the job. Thanks again.
Yes @whynot haha, true but any real features that vB 4 or 5 still does well that may not be in XF yet? From what I've read the two are pretty comparable (bugs aside) as far as forum software, just looking to make sure as it's hard to stay on top of all the new features that get added in for each release.

@Brogan using CTA Featured Threads, can a centre module be added that would display as this is exactly what I'm looking for (functionality and visually) but need a way to display it on the home page as a centre block (and hopefully find a way to pick and choose which forums it pulls threads from). I'd prefer to use a XF supported portal system to accomplish this or as little tweaking as possible.
@Brogan using CTA Featured Threads, can a centre module be added that would display
Yes, the template which is used in the sidebar can just be moved to the main container.

(and hopefully find a way to pick and choose which forums it pulls threads from)
That wouldn't be possible however as it just pulls all recent posts from forums which are set to show in new posts.

It may be possible using the Widget Framework add-on, but I don't use it so wouldn't know if it is or not.
Featured Threads & Portal used with Widget Framework FTW.They are two of XFs most powerful plugins (IMO) and they work very well together. The question becomes what cant you do with the two combined.
I dont even understand what he needs CTA featured threads & portal for...everything he needs can be done with the powerful bd widget framework. @too_cool_3 maybe you should do up a mock up of what you need...and perhaps read up the numerous pages of discussion on how people used it. Its a must have addon and numerous developers on here have created renderers for their addons for it.
@tajhay I have read up on BD framework and even looked for examples. I read through all the reviews on the ad-ons page and viewed all the profiles of the reviewers looking for links to their websites so I could see it in action. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find many working examples.

I said this above, in response to your last reply in this thread - Reading the included Widgets for BD Widget Framework it lists:
- Threads. 4 modes: new threads, new replies, most viewed, most replied, most liked, polls
I think a combination of new threads and new replies would be what I need. I feel either of them on their own won't accomplish what I'm looking for. I believe the New Threads widget won't bump a thread to the top of the list once a reply is made... and New Replies widget would list each new reply separately in the list even if belonging all to the same thread, instead of just bumping the thread to the top each time. Am I wrong?

I use the Recent Threads module of vBadvance as a main portion of my home page. I have multiple Recent Threads modules in place on the home page that are hidden to guests. I have usergroup permissions implemented to allow registered members to see the For Sale and Off-Topic modules. In order to ditch what I'm using now I need to find a solution with the following KEY features.

I need a Home Page with Recent Threads widget that can be used as a centre or side block:

1) Have Recent Threads widget refresh with a page refresh (bumps threads with new posts to the top).

2) Make use of the database automatic forum marking so thread titles are bolded in the widget for threads that contain un-read posts. Once a user has viewed them the tread title is un-bolded (a quick way to differentiate between threads w/un-read posts and w/o).

3) Add pagination to the widget so it displays threads as far back as 30, 60, 365, etc. days. (and be able to disable pagination when used as a side block).

4) Be able to select which forums the threads are pulled from and be able to hide the module from guests.

*** is exactly what I'm looking for as a centre block but need to get it displayed on the home page and be able to select which forums threads are pulled from. Meanwhile, the default XF New Posts widget would work fine, as is, for my needs as a side block as long as I can hide it from displaying to guest.
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