Unable to replace text in SQL database


Well-known member
Hi, I have identical text on some posts for a specific description. The text is as follows:

Sed consequat leo eget bibendum

Vestibulum suscipit nulla quis orci

[B][U]Quisque libero metus condimentum nec![/U][/B]

I would like to replace it with the new text that has only one line break:

Fusce fermentum odio nec arcu

Sed in libero ut nibh

I have executed this query:

UPDATE xf_post SET message = replace(message, 'Sed consequat leo eget bibendum

Vestibulum suscipit nulla quis orci

[B][U]Quisque libero metus condimentum nec![/U][/B]', 'Fusce fermentum odio nec arcu

Sed in libero ut nibh')

I simulated it and it says it's okay, with the number of tables that would be updated. When I click replace, the window says 0 rows modified, without showing any error. In short, I can't replace the text.

I have also tried adding \n I have also installed this official XenForo module and still was not able to.

Can anyone please explain to me how to replace the text? I am working on a copy.
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