Cellulite and CSS...


Well-known member
I'm finding that I tend to snack a lot while I'm working on my forum and I think I'm starting to show it. Either my chair is getting narrower or...

And I'm finding more and more sticky keys.

What say you? :D
Tend not to eat while working on stuff, but I rarely have any snacks in my apartment. If I buy some I either eat it all right away, or it just sits on a shelf for months before I eat it.

If I am really focused on something I often end up having dinner at 10 pm or later, and usually the last meal would be either lunch or breakfast.
Sometimes you just have to let your hair down and hope for the best and let nature take it's course. Jake? Stuck anything else up your backside lately? :LOL:
Sometimes you just have to let your hair down and hope for the best and let nature take it's course. Jake? Stuck anything else up your backside lately? :LOL:
I'd just managed to bleach that out of my brain.... between jake's enemas and posts about mythotical's low sex drive... my poor brain can't take these kind of visuals! *curls up into the fetal position*
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