RM 2.0 Can't upload large files


Well-known member

I'm trying to upload a video file as Resource. Ok, the first time the message was clear, as I had forgot to increase file size in both php.ini and RM Options. At that time I was getting the filename in strikethrough text and below the error message.

After changing the settings in both php.ini and RM Options, I'm getting just the filename in strikethrough text. No any message. Also this happens immediately after selecting the file and not when I'm submitting the form.

The filetype is set to RM options, post_max_size is greater than upload_max_size in php.ini and also memory_limit & max_execution_time are having high values.

Any advice?

PS: In a similar post for RM 1x I read that finally the problem was with Mod Security, but I've it disabled at all in my server.

Thank you

2nd Follow up:

I noticed something. The first time that I got the strikethrough filenam just after selecting the file, the category was private. Now I tested to upload to a public category and after selecting the file I seen the upload progress bar. The problem is that when the upload reached 100% the filename became again strikethrough and when I tried to save the post I got message that I must upload a file or give an external url.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Don't know if it makes sense, but after hours of unsuccessful test, I decided to work a bit modifying my style. What a surprise when trying a simple change (background images), I got a message: "Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console. ".

The message that I seen in console is:
        <title>403 Forbidden</title>
        <p>You don't have permission to access /admin.php on this server.<br /> </p>

Any idea? Have never used xF but from time to time I did many installations for testing purposes.
Finally don't seems to be an issue with mod security. I disabled it at all, and all other issues (eg Saving Template changes) gone. Also, uploading photos, pdf, zip etc, even small videos (~50MB) works fine. The problem is for large video files eg 500+MB.

My php.ini


RM Option for Maximum resource file size is set to 3584000 KB (same set for attachment options in case that it uses that setting).
"Happy" End. After a full day of tests, at least I was able to find that files max 100MB upload ok, files over 100MB, whatever settings exist in php.ini or xF Options are rejected. And because that "100MB" reminded me something, I did a googling and I found the problem:

So, all those who are using Cloudflare don't forget that they have upload limit.
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