Fixed Cant read emails

Sean James

Well-known member
Having a problem with my board and emails.

I need to hover the text to read them.


In settings under appearance, my default email style is default, so there is no changes to the CSS

Thank you!
If you mean that your email style is "use default style", then it'll use whatever style you use by default on the forum. Unfortunately, different email clients support different things, so you may need to do some testing with this. You can make some style-specific email changes via the "Emails" style property group. If that doesn't do enough (and it may not as it looks like your text is white but the BG color isn't coming through), you can create a new style specifically for the emails and assign that as your email style.
I created a new style for emails, but when I disable this skin so users cant select it for the normal forum it is no longer a option for the default email styles.

Do you know what the CSS is for the email text? Ill just add custom CSS code for it in the extra.css

Thank you for your help!
The style disappearing here would be a bug. A temporary workaround would be to leave it selectable. I'm moving to bugs so we can try to sort this (and perhaps add a few additional style property overrides).

In terms of customizing the CSS directly, you can't apply it to extra.less as the emails have their own specific CSS. You'd need to edit core.less in the email templates (choose the email tab at the top). This CSS is relatively simple compared to standard XF CSS, so it may just be sufficient to override some of the colors (probably most notably in .content).
Thank you for reporting this issue. The issue is now resolved and we are aiming to include that in a future XF release (2.0.12).

Change log:
Allow non-user selectable styles to be used for the email style. Also, add several email-related style properties to allow email colors to be overridden more directly, without creating a new style.
Any changes made as a result of this issue being resolved may not be rolled out here until later.
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