Not a bug Cannot change boardUrl

Well, boardUrl is a variable that is inserted into templates and other useful locations through getRequestPaths() function:
	public function setRequestPaths()
		$requestPaths = XenForo_Application::getRequestPaths($this->_request);

		XenForo_Application::set('requestPaths', $requestPaths);
No matter what I set into boardUrl, I still get the default values.
array(6) {
  string(11) "/community/"
  string(14) ""
  string(4) "http"
  string(32) ""
  string(11) "/community/"
  string(32) ""

Right now the boardUrl is set to:

The secure https is completely ignored, even if my certificate is valid and properly installed.
Common Name =
Subject Alternative Names =,
Issuer = Starfield Secure Certification Authority
Serial Number = 4B17C13FF73566
SHA1 Thumbprint = 08EB150C779D96D963AD09A038D41360F3DEBC47
Key Length = 2048 bit
Signature algorithm = SHA1 + RSA (good)
Secure Renegotiation: Supported

Plus, isn't the boardUrl definitive on where the board is located?
If the boardUrl is set to:
the above listed array still shows /community as basePath.
Thanks, Mike. Adding:
fastcgi_param HTTPS on;

solves the base href issues. Looking at Nginx configuration, the second option is redundant.
I still get a slashed https as URL validation.
OK, all problems solved. This is how I fixed the issue, for other users:
1) Set in Nginx the HTTPS param to on.
2) Disable Twitter and Gravatar. (not needed anymore in 1.1.1)
3) Set homePageUrl and boardUrl to https scheme.
4) Set Google Maps URL to https scheme.
I still have a question related to current users who have Gravatars set as default. How do I remove them? I've built the user caches but I still see user avatars linked to site.
Actually, I just ran a query to reset the Gravatars:
UPDATE xf_user SET gravatar = '';
Then, I've rebuilt the User Cache.
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