California Case Update

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I've been thinking about this all day! I cant wait to hear. Such an amazing supportive community here, I'm excited to be part of the 'family'. :p
I've been thinking about this all day! I cant wait to hear. Such an amazing supportive community here, I'm excited to be part of the 'family'. :p
I've been thinking about it constantly fora week now. Just hoping to hear some good news today so I can go on with my business and hopefully xf can go on with theirs as well.
I've been thinking about this all day! I cant wait to hear. Such an amazing supportive community here, I'm excited to be part of the 'family'. :p
I've been thinking about it a bit today as well, am I correct that they've been in court an hour now today?
Or does anyone know if the case started on time?
Tomorrow is election day. Please remember to VOTE. :)

I know this is off topic. But I also know everyone is watching this thread and this seems like the perfect time for a public service announcement.

Back on topic.....

Main links in first post updated to reflect changes.

Change.... Change can be good :cautious::barefoot:
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