California Case Update

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Actually a lot of the vB list is copied from IPB too...

Personal Conversations - IPB had it first
IPB had a Hook System before vB

God the rest of it is funny.....

Permissions LOL ahahahaha

Content... heheheehe

Theme System...

Versioning?!?!?!?! LOL

OMG too too funny - or rather it would be if it wasn't costing KAM a fortune to defend against this utter utter shyte.
BBCodes, Moderation (we're not allowed to moderate our users without infringing copyright)
This quote made me chuckle, 42-3 Exhibit F:
Michael Grace said:
I don't have the time or inclination to respond to your creative writing; suffice it to say that we see things differently.
I think this pretty much sums up the whole case: creative writing.

"Extent of Copyright Protection
Copyright protection extends to all the copyrightable expression embodied in
the computer program. Copyright protection is not available for ideas, program
logic, algorithms, systems, methods, concepts, or layouts."

Seems someone does not understand these concepts.

I was just thinking this as well :). Heck, guys, let's help Kier and compile a nice spreadsheet with those features and see who else has them :p

Update: Here started a Google Doc. Please fill in various platforms that uses such said exclusive features :P
I'm reminded of a Dutch proverb: A cornered cat will make weird jumps.

Cornered much, IB?

The most laughable is the bottom part.

Data Access Layer
Data Model
Design Patterns
Coding Conventions
Individual Lines of Code

I do remember them dark days, where everyone was just randomly updating one another's code. Every program used a single file, where variables were all named with meaningless names, and database connections were made randomly, and functions, classes and just about everything was named by a random name generator.

I still wake up screaming in the night sometimes recalling how I was debugging:

public statinc function Zmgjdlgraogr($a int, $b int, &$IB sucks) {
// I hope you...

Then, IB came and showed us all the light. We suddenly moved on from coding with clubs while clad in bearskins to neatly suited geekboys with keyboards. Thank you, IB from saving us all from Sabertooth coding. We now write the above much better:

public static function goDie($once int, $twice int, &IB stillsucks) {
// My dog was sick today, so here's some lines of code to reflect my mood.
// I hope you...
      for ($i =0;i<10;$i++) {

Your honour, note how the new way uses a different number of characters and lines and therefore clearly must have been copied!

IB invented versioning, data access layer, data modelling, design patterns and coding conventions about as much as Al Gore invented the freeaking Internet (but he DID make up global warming!).

All that's needed to have Ib laughed out of the courtroom for even bringing it up is a copy of "Code Complete" they can be whacked on the head with. I'd mention "C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie, but "Code Complete" is heavier and thus will inflict more damage.
All that's needed to have Ib laughed out of the courtroom for even bringing it up is a copy of "Code Complete" they can be whacked on the head with. I'd mention "C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie, but "Code Complete" is heavier and thus will inflict more damage.
Bingo. There are several books out there that us software developers have used to discuss proper application design patterns and such. Gang of Four, anyone??
PMSL! I think something must have got lost in translation there!.

Actually, no. The Dutch proverb is:

Een kat in het nauw maakt rare sprongen.


A cornered cat will make weird jumps.

Perhaps weird should read unexpected. It basically means that if you try and corner a cat, it will try and get out in any possible way, typically by jumping. It is typically used to describe that when people (or companies) are pressured, they could fall back on some moves you did not take into account.
Een kat in het nauw maakt rare sprongen.

Please tell me sprongen is dutch for jumps!! lol I love the English language sometimes when words translate into similar english words - sprongen looks like spring..

Anyway, my cat doesn't jump when it gets cornered, it comes out claws first ;)

but that's probably for another thread!
Are court transcripts ever released?

I've contacted the Reported for further details.
Most courts make you order transcripts from a reporting service. Common practice is to fill out an order form, listing the court, docket number, date of hearing and then you pay the service to retrieve and transcribe the recording of the hearing. I have no idea what the local court rules are in this case.
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