XF 1.5 Bump Thread Tab


Coming from vb 4.0 we had a mod installed so users could bump TTT there threads back to the top.

I can't find a add-on for xenforo that will give my members this option. Now I have a lot of members just using TTT or bump in the reply to there own thread, just added junk on the forum.

Maybe I'm missing something and just can't find the solution any help would be greatly appreciated.
There aren't any bump features built-in (short of posting a reply). I couldn't comment on any add-ons.

Thanks Mike, I haven't found any add-ons that have this feature. The big reason we had this on vb 4.0 was to reduce clutter on the forum. Anyone that has ran a forum for any leagth of time is well aware how this can effect your site ranking with google.
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