I am extremely careful and meticulous about my SEO because I strongly believe there's a reason only certain websites rank high.
I would prefer that the "Board Title" not be forcibly appended to all my "Meta title" tags on every page of the site.
Just Started my Treatments. | HairLossTalk Forums
Best Topical for Thinning? | HairLossTalk Forums
Google already puts the site name at the end of all my title tags in its search results. So they end up looking like this:
Just Started my Treatments. | HairLossTalk Forums - HairLossTalk
Best Topical for Thinning? | HairLossTalk Forums - HairLossTalk
How can I remove it from there, without having it disappear from other more important areas (emails, etc)?
I would prefer that the "Board Title" not be forcibly appended to all my "Meta title" tags on every page of the site.
Just Started my Treatments. | HairLossTalk Forums
Best Topical for Thinning? | HairLossTalk Forums
Google already puts the site name at the end of all my title tags in its search results. So they end up looking like this:
Just Started my Treatments. | HairLossTalk Forums - HairLossTalk
Best Topical for Thinning? | HairLossTalk Forums - HairLossTalk
How can I remove it from there, without having it disappear from other more important areas (emails, etc)?