Better Blogs [Deleted]

Are the categories permission based? i.e. I'd only want to allow people collaborating on a certain category to submit entries to that category?
I'm still torn between this and XI Blogs.

My main issue with this is the appearance. I know there was some discussion but you do plan on working on the design anytime soon?

The appearance can be significantly changed with css. Whatever design you want to do I am sure it can be done easily which was my experience whilst tinkering with it in firebug.
About the appearance

Here is a blog with XI Blog
View attachment 57274

Here is a blog with Better Blogs
View attachment 57275

I took the screenshots literally a minute ago from XenFluence and XfAddOns, you can decide yourself which one you like best.

Regardless, I am going to implement anyway all the design suggestions that were given to me here. Because there is valuable feedback there.

You can see the whole feature set of Better Blogs here
Do not make Better Blogs look like XI Blog.

Look, most of the people on this site are forum users & forum administrators. They can not help to think "forum".

If you want real blog users, you need to think "blog". And for most people here that is not exactly possible. It's not their fault. They're just forum type people (after all, XenForo is forum software).

My point being is that if you want design advise, you really should hit up people on or 3rd party blog sites such as

Because XI Blog, looks like forum software. And this is not going to attract bloggers.
Do not make Better Blogs look like XI Blog.

Look, most of the people on this site are forum users & forum administrators. They can not help to think "forum".

If you want real blog users, you need to think "blog". And for most people here that is not exactly possible. It's not their fault. They're just forum type people (after all, XenForo is forum software).

My point being is that if you want design advise, you really should hit up people on or 3rd party blog sites such as

Because XI Blog, looks like forum software. And this is not going to attract bloggers.
I completely agree

I am basing my inspiration in Wordpress and Tumblr to a lesser extend, I have no intention to make it look like a list of threads, I hate that it looks that way.

There are some other anti-patterns in XI Blog that I don't agree with, for example, when someone comments on an entry, the entry gets bumped to the top. That might make sense in a thread (new post, thread goes to the top), but it makes absolutely no sense in a blog that is chronological by nature.

Expect to see a bigger push to more blog features and less forum ones. For forums we already have .. well, the forum :) I liked the idea of leveraging the blog to create a TechCrunch like page, or even creating a home page based on the Blog layout once the widgets are powerful enough. That is where I am headed instead.
Do not make Better Blogs look like XI Blog.

Look, most of the people on this site are forum users & forum administrators. They can not help to think "forum".

If you want real blog users, you need to think "blog". And for most people here that is not exactly possible. It's not their fault. They're just forum type people (after all, XenForo is forum software).

My point being is that if you want design advise, you really should hit up people on or 3rd party blog sites such as

Because XI Blog, looks like forum software. And this is not going to attract bloggers.

I don't think anyone was suggesting it should look like XI Blogs. The comment was more that XI Blogs was neater as it used the standard classes, etc.

I much prefer the "homepage" on Better Blogs than XI Blogs apart from some of the horrid styling like the category strips and date bits. If some of that styling could be fixed then it'd look much nicer :-)
I don't think anyone was suggesting it should look like XI Blogs. The comment was more that XI Blogs was neater as it used the standard classes, etc.

I much prefer the "homepage" on Better Blogs than XI Blogs apart from some of the horrid styling like the category strips and date bits. If some of that styling could be fixed then it'd look much nicer :)

The category areas and date bits can be easily modified (I just installed it) so I might get some guides and enhancements posted at Rigels site when I've looked into it more. I agree the default shipping styling of BB can be nicer so hopefully now we can offer some suggestions to rigel and give him something to work from.
The category areas and date bits can be easily modified (I just installed it) so I might get some guides and enhancements posted at Rigels site when I've looked into it more. I agree the default shipping styling of BB can be nicer so hopefully now we can offer some suggestions to rigel and give him something to work from.

That would be excellent :-)
Isn't that something that Dan is working on?

(Promoted = Featured, right?)
Featured Blog Sliders are one of the most popular features of Wordpress and blogging software. In order for Better Blogs to be Best Blogs I think it needs one. Not everyone will buy Promoted Content but at least they could still feature their blogs in Better Blogs.

Also, Promoted Content does more than just blogs, it does threads, albums and other content. I will still use it because you can configure what content you want to show on any page. You won't be able to do that with the Featured Blogs widget. It doesn't make sense for Rigel to have to create a slider that includes albums and threads.
@Rigel Kentaurus

Please make sure your free version and paid version have the same version number as you release them or have the paid version 1 version above it....

Right now if someone did purchase your full version as an upgrade from the paid, they would be told the version number is older & that downgrade is not possible.

I know because I was not paying attention to which site I was uploading files to & mistakenly installed the free version over the paid. And in order to revert back, I had to edit the XML file
@Rigel Kentaurus

Please make sure your free version and paid version have the same version number as you release them or have the paid version 1 version above it....

Right now if someone did purchase your full version as an upgrade from the paid, they would be told the version number is older & that downgrade is not possible.

I know because I was not paying attention to which site I was uploading files to & mistakenly installed the free version over the paid. And in order to revert back, I had to edit the XML file
I wasn't expecting anyone to try to upload the paid version over the free one so soon :)
My build system generates both at the same time, so in the future they will be in sync. Thanks for the comment, and glad you found a workaround.
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