Better Blogs [Deleted]

Run these set of queries

ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_css CHANGE className className varchar(200) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_entry CHANGE allow_members allow_members_ids varchar(500) NULL;
ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_entry_scheduled CHANGE allow_members allow_members_ids varchar(500) NULL;
ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_entry ADD last_edit_date INT unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_entry ADD last_edit_user_id INT unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_entry ADD edit_count INT unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_comment ADD last_edit_date INT unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_comment ADD last_edit_user_id INT unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_comment ADD edit_count INT unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;

Don't worry if any of those fail

This could also happen if you upload the PHP files, but for any reason Install.php does not get uploaded

Getting an error when trying to run those queries:

SQL query:

ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_entry CHANGE allow_members allow_members_ids VARCHAR( 500 ) NULL ;

MySQL said: [IMG][/IMG]

#1054 - Unknown column 'allow_members' in 'xfa_blog_entry'

No allow_members table (there is an allow_members_ids). Would I add this to the query list? -

ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_entry ADD allow_members INT unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
Getting an error when trying to run those queries:

SQL query:

ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_entry CHANGE allow_members allow_members_ids VARCHAR( 500 ) NULL ;

MySQL said: [IMG][/IMG]

#1054 - Unknown column 'allow_members' in 'xfa_blog_entry'

No allow_members table (there is an allow_members_ids). Would I add this to the query list? -

ALTER TABLE xfa_blog_entry ADD allow_members INT unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;

You can ignore any query that did not run, mostly means you already have that change
You can ignore any query that did not run, mostly means you already have that change

I removed the queries that were throwing errors. Tables were altered/updated successfully. Still getting an error when trying to post an entry though:

Error Info
Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column 'allow_members' in 'field list' - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:77
Generated By: Daniel, A moment ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/admin/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(115): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare('INSERT INTO `xf...')
#1 /home/admin/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php(381): Zend_Db_Statement->__construct(Object(Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli), 'INSERT INTO `xf...')
#2 /home/admin/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(478): Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare('INSERT INTO `xf...')
#3 /home/admin/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(574): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('INSERT INTO `xf...', Array)
#4 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1612): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->insert('xfa_blog_entry', Array)
#5 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1601): XenForo_DataWriter->_insert()
#6 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1393): XenForo_DataWriter->_save()
#7 /home/admin/public_html/library/XfAddOns/Blogs/ControllerPublic/Blog.php(365): XenForo_DataWriter->save()
#8 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(337): XfAddOns_Blogs_ControllerPublic_Blog->actionSaveEntry()
#9 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#10 /home/admin/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#11 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(53) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(17) {
["title"] => string(30) "Haven't blogged for a while..."
["message_html"] => string(1866) "<p>content-content.</p>
["_xfRelativeResolver"] => string(52) ""
["attachment_hash"] => string(32) "cdd0d0a8847fd43be747a60ac633b18f"
["post_date"] => string(10) "2013-10-02"
["hour"] => string(1) "5"
["minute"] => string(1) "5"
["second"] => string(2) "15"
["category"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "1488"
["allow_comments"] => string(1) "1"
["allow_view_entry_enable"] => string(1) "1"
["allow_view_entry"] => string(8) "everyone"
["allow_members"] => string(0) ""
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
["_xfRequestUri"] => string(24) "/blog/daniel.1/new-entry"
["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"
I removed the queries that were throwing errors. Tables were altered/updated successfully. Still getting an error when trying to post an entry though:

Error Info
Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column 'allow_members' in 'field list' - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:77
Generated By: Daniel, A moment ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/admin/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(115): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare('INSERT INTO `xf...')
#1 /home/admin/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php(381): Zend_Db_Statement->__construct(Object(Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli), 'INSERT INTO `xf...')
#2 /home/admin/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(478): Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare('INSERT INTO `xf...')
#3 /home/admin/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(574): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('INSERT INTO `xf...', Array)
#4 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1612): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->insert('xfa_blog_entry', Array)
#5 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1601): XenForo_DataWriter->_insert()
#6 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1393): XenForo_DataWriter->_save()
#7 /home/admin/public_html/library/XfAddOns/Blogs/ControllerPublic/Blog.php(365): XenForo_DataWriter->save()
#8 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(337): XfAddOns_Blogs_ControllerPublic_Blog->actionSaveEntry()
#9 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#10 /home/admin/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#11 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(53) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(17) {
["title"] => string(30) "Haven't blogged for a while..."
["message_html"] => string(1866) "<p>content-content.</p>
["_xfRelativeResolver"] => string(52) ""
["attachment_hash"] => string(32) "cdd0d0a8847fd43be747a60ac633b18f"
["post_date"] => string(10) "2013-10-02"
["hour"] => string(1) "5"
["minute"] => string(1) "5"
["second"] => string(2) "15"
["category"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "1488"
["allow_comments"] => string(1) "1"
["allow_view_entry_enable"] => string(1) "1"
["allow_view_entry"] => string(8) "everyone"
["allow_members"] => string(0) ""
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
["_xfRequestUri"] => string(24) "/blog/daniel.1/new-entry"
["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"

Version 33 will not give you that error. Make sure to upload all PHP files
Anybody else getting this (well, not EXACTLY this - just the css.css part)
2013/10/06 14:22:41 [error] 3017#0: *36613 open() "/var/www/apple4me/xfa-blog-customize/css.css" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server:, request: "GET /xfa-blog-customize/css.css HTTP/1.1", host: "", referrer: ""
in their web server log file (my error log file) on the latest update?
This seems to push the quick reply box over to the right and squashes it on mobiles.

I thought it just did it to the blog pages but it does it to every thread.

Any ideas?
It seems to me that this error may be related to Better Blogs:

Server Error
Mysqli statement execute error : Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 574
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->insert() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1612
  5. XenForo_DataWriter->_insert() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1601
  6. XenForo_DataWriter->_save() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1393
  7. XenForo_DataWriter->save() in XenForo/Model/Import.php at line 599
  8. XenForo_Model_Import->_importData() in Waindigo/ImportTools/Extend/XenForo/Model/Import.php at line 58
  9. Waindigo_ImportTools_Extend_XenForo_Model_Import->_importData() in XfAddOns/Blogs/Override/Model/Import.php at line 26
  10. XfAddOns_Blogs_Override_Model_Import->_importData() in XenForo/Model/Import.php at line 637
  11. XenForo_Model_Import->importUserGroup() in XenForo/Importer/vBulletin.php at line 354
  12. XenForo_Importer_vBulletin->stepUserGroups() in XenForo/Importer/Abstract.php at line 77
  13. XenForo_Importer_Abstract->runStep() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Import.php at line 195
  14. XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Import->_runStep() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Import.php at line 247
  15. XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Import->_startStep() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Import.php at line 190
  16. XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Import->actionStartStep() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 337
  17. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  18. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /admin.php at line 13
It seems to me that this error may be related to Better Blogs:

Server Error
Mysqli statement execute error : Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 574
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->insert() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1612
  5. XenForo_DataWriter->_insert() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1601
  6. XenForo_DataWriter->_save() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1393
  7. XenForo_DataWriter->save() in XenForo/Model/Import.php at line 599
  8. XenForo_Model_Import->_importData() in Waindigo/ImportTools/Extend/XenForo/Model/Import.php at line 58
  9. Waindigo_ImportTools_Extend_XenForo_Model_Import->_importData() in XfAddOns/Blogs/Override/Model/Import.php at line 26
  10. XfAddOns_Blogs_Override_Model_Import->_importData() in XenForo/Model/Import.php at line 637
  11. XenForo_Model_Import->importUserGroup() in XenForo/Importer/vBulletin.php at line 354
  12. XenForo_Importer_vBulletin->stepUserGroups() in XenForo/Importer/Abstract.php at line 77
  13. XenForo_Importer_Abstract->runStep() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Import.php at line 195
  14. XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Import->_runStep() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Import.php at line 247
  15. XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Import->_startStep() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Import.php at line 190
  16. XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Import->actionStartStep() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 337
  17. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  18. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /admin.php at line 13
What were you trying to do ?
I was trying to import a newer copy of my vb3 database. I'm not sure why better blogs is listed in there.
The following error occurred:
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

Got this when trying to upload something to someone else's blog. The idea is the photo is remote linked & I'd rather have it on my site so it doesn't get changed later.
I'd like to report a possible bug/issue:

It's a problem within the comments section. Two issues: tagging and paragraphs.

Tagging seems to work sometimes in comments (haven't pinpointed exactly when it's not yet). Additionally, when I go to edit a comment, once I save it it removes the paragraph formatting leaving one giant paragraph.
I'd like to report a possible bug/issue:

It's a problem within the comments section. Two issues: tagging and paragraphs.

Tagging seems to work sometimes in comments (haven't pinpointed exactly when it's not yet). Additionally, when I go to edit a comment, once I save it it removes the paragraph formatting leaving one giant paragraph.
If you edit and tag someone, that would not work. It is the same with posts, only on first submit you can tag the person.
Hi, I brought your Better Blogs some time ago. I'm not asking for much...

It states: Please open a conversation with Kentaurus, and make sure to include from which PayPal email you made the purchase.

On your forum you've probably seen my conversation. Can you kindly let me know on a response?
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