Better Analytics

Better Analytics 3.1.1

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Yeah... The charts on the profile tab is via reporting API. It will still show you computers being shared by multiple users regardless.

If you don't see the tab at all, go to usergroup permissions and enable it for your usergroup.

Sorry for dumb question, but where to put codes what Google gave me after I manage under Admin -> Property -> Custom Definitions -> Custom Dimension
OK, i activated both of them in Google Analytics.
What about two options in forum ACP?
"Custom Dimension Index For Node" and "Custom Dimension Index For User ID".
Shoud I both set them 1?
@digitalpoint thanks for the update

while you're at it, is it possible to add option in admin to set the _setSiteSpeedSampleRate to custom values ?
The problem is when you start getting into super granular settings like that, you start making the thing way more complicated than it should be... there's probably 100 or so of those super specific type of settings that one could go about adding settings for.

For something like that, it probably would just be best to do a Template Modification for the "better_analytics_javascript" template. You could just replace this:
with this:
(or whatever you wanted the setting to be) and be good to go on updates without getting into needing to have a zillion settings.

Unrelated side note... had an idea to see if I could use events to track emails (both when they are sent as well as when they are opened by users). Seems to be working pretty well on my end (testing it)...

You can see there are 4 unique users on the site that have just now opened an email, and on the Real-Time area of Google Analytics, you can just see them streaming in realtime as the events happen.

This email event stuff is fun to just watch in realtime (yes, I need a life). lol So someone just posted a thread in a forum where 56 people get email subscriptions for new threads... Then you can see how fast a couple people opened the email, and you could then see new emails popping up because someone started a conversation with the thread starter (basically it was someone looking for a programmer)...

Line 1: 56 people are notified of new thread
Line 2: 5 people open the notification email right away
Line 19: original thread starter gets notification email when someone replies to his thread
Line 12: original thread starter opened notification email after someone replied
Line 20: Someone started a private conversation with thread starter about the topic

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sweet like the email events and thanks template edits are fine it's what i did with older version of this addon i edited your code prior to installing the addon for siteSpeedSampleRate - just wasn't sure where to edit it for v2.x
The updates are fantastic, thanks Shawn! I'm going to be sending a tip over - I think we all should :) The info we get from this add-on is gold, and the support we're getting from Shawn is better than most other dev's paid add-ons. (y)
Do I need to adjust something in my Analytics account to see the advanced reports?
For full functionality/reports this is what you need to enable/setup...

Universal Analytics enabled.

Advertiser Features (under Property Settings):


User-ID tracking (under Tracking Info -> User-ID):


Two Custom Dimensions:


Under the view settings, enable Site Search Tracking with "q" as the parameter.


Enable Ecommerce stuff:

Thank you for your support. What would make the addon yet perfect, would be a review of use adblocker in Analytics.
Thank you for your support. What would make the addon yet perfect, would be a review of use adblocker in Analytics.
Well... I was actually tossing around the idea of having an option to track users on the backend who have a blocking system for Google Analytics. Was just thinking of the best way to approach this. Maybe just for logged in users, because I really don't think people want to start picking up traffic for spiders or other non-humans.

I went a little crazy tonight and rewrote the code that does the backend tracking to make it scale better... Like if you have a single HTTP request that underneath it all triggered hundreds of events, now all the necessary API calls are non-blocking (other PHP code will keep on working) and multiple requests are made in parallel).

This allows for things like email tracking when you have 1,000 users that watch a particular forum and get email notices for new posts.

So now it also does email tracking (both sending and opening by the end user), moderator actions, user registration (including how they signed up... with Facebook, Google, Twitter acount, etc.), events showing for new content being created (Posts, Profile Posts, Conversation Messages), etc... Also allow people to turn off AJAX request tracking if they want.

What's it showing up as exactly? Is it just a small number of events? Might be just spam... Technically anyone can feed anything they want into your Analytics if they really want to (like referrer spam).
Oh, I think XF loads secondary CSS requirements for content loaded in via AJAX via another AJAX call by default. I overwrote that XF JS function on my setup so I never saw the CSS AJAX calls.
Here's something interesting I found out while working on some new features... about 4-5% of the users on my site have a blocking mechanism that makes it so they aren't logging visits or pageviews when they visit the site.

But now you can see which users are not logging their visits/page views on your site (not a ton of users yet since I just started it on my site)...

<image removed... just realized it had users email addresses in it>

...and now the *really* tricky part. ;)

A new setting that allows you to feed data into Analytics on the server-side that tracks those users. The net result of the "Only Users Logged In" option is internally it assigns them a client ID and those users now are tracked in Google Analytics even if they are blocking it on their end.

If you want to go crazy, there are also options to track non-logged in user who aren't reporting to Analytics (not recommended) as well as track everyone (which basically means things like search engine spiders are going to show up as visits/page views)... also not recommended if you want accurate data in your Analytics. But the "Only Users Logged In" is really nice in my testing so far.

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Testing tracking user registration events, how they registered (Standard, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc.)... and also doing some trickery to keep the user's original source/medium intact. Normally when someone registers with their Facebook account, it shows the user was acquired via referral, but that's not actually the case since the "referral" Google Analytics sees is them authorizing usage of their Facebook account during the registration process. So we are handling those cases now (same with redirects to to buy user upgrades... didn't refer them, even though Analytics show it as such normally).

So like this is how it's showing registration events on my site now (before all the Facebook registrations were referrals):

Speaking of event tracking, I decided to just go crazy with it... lol It's using event tracking for all sorts of things now if you want (moderator actions, new content being created, reports, people clicking *outbound* links, etc.)

You can drill down on any event category to get detail...

For example if you drill down to Links -> Clicks, you can see what are the most popular links being clicked on.


You can break down events by anything in Google Analytics, for example you could see the geographic area where user's that are being reported are at:

You can use the realtime dashboard in Google Analytics to see events happening in realtime...


Drilling down on the "Email" category, you can see that there are 6 users on the site now that are there because they opened an email the system sent...

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