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[bd] Banking 1.0.4

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I have no way of verifying the attachment part is working? I have a couple test accounts I use so I made a post with an image, uploaded it to my post ... went to my attachment manager and set the price to 75 ... but anyone can still download it at no cost.
I have no way of verifying the attachment part is working? I have a couple test accounts I use so I made a post with an image, uploaded it to my post ... went to my attachment manager and set the price to 75 ... but anyone can still download it at no cost.
By default, it's not possible to set a price for images. Are you sure you did that? Also, try again with a document or a zip package.
I went to attachment manager where it lists all your attachments and the far right field allows you to put in a price per attachment ?
xfrocks can you phrase the money and currenct prhase so we can move them when necessary. Currently I had to put the currency before the number (Currency Symbol Number - TL 10) while it should be 10 TL.
xfrocks can you phrase the money and currenct prhase so we can move them when necessary. Currently I had to put the currency before the number (Currency Symbol Number - TL 10) while it should be 10 TL.
The next version will have an option to do just that (currency before or after). Sorry for the problem :)
The next version will have an option to do just that (currency before or after). Sorry for the problem :)

Thank you man, my users love this addon very much. There are sending each other money and it's spreading like a pandemic :)
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong then. I have the prices set but no where in the post or attachment does it say the cost of it.
Have you tried with a document (.doc) or a zip package (.zip) attachment? If you did and it didn't work, can you send me your site info via message? Thanks.
A question: Any chance you'll be moving over the option to adjust user's cash by directly editing them? Love the add-on btw, my users use it every day, all day; it's they key part of our forum ;) Thanks so much :)
A question: Any chance you'll be moving over the option to adjust user's cash by directly editing them? Love the add-on btw, my users use it every day, all day; it's they key part of our forum ;) Thanks so much :)
What did you mean by "move over"?
What did you mean by "move over"?
Right now, it's in the ACP "Tools" tab, I'd prefer it to be an "Edit User" option. For instance: Edit user > Sylar > Have a +/- box(forget what they're called) with the option to edit that user's cash.
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