[bd] Attachment Store [Deleted]

Did you rebuild both?

Media Gallery Thumbnails and Media Gallery Album Thumbnails?
Yes :(

There is something very strange is
Some photos were published long ago, it is still ok.
Only about 8 new pages not long ago, the faulty.
Check URL links still I saw my server it is not transferred over Amazon.
Capture.webp ok.webp

Thank you again.
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Did you had "Check for file existence before updating" checked when you moved over your attachments to S3?
It finished without errors? All files where successfully transferred ?
Well before using this addon all my mail are normal.
Pretty much attached volumes 40GB it takes me several times successfully switching to S3.
AFTER I rebuild - Move Attachs , ALL THUMBNAILS are lost!
Delayed Processing is ENABLE.

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the DATA dictionary permission is 777, and files are in S3 and I can access.
That's correct then.
You might need to hire someone with experience to find the problem, I can't say whats wrong from here.
(Not me, Just trying to help. But i'm not a Pro.)
Everything needs to be checked step by step.
That's correct then.
You might need to hire someone with experience to find the problem, I can't say whats wrong from here.
(Not me, Just trying to help. But i'm not a Pro.)
Everything needs to be checked step by step.
:pthanks anyway

I bought and spent nearly half a day to activate this plugin. At the end of the day, I am always getting this error (s3 + CloudFront and I don't have any other addon):

XenForo_Exception: Failed to write the attachment file. - library/XenForo/DataWriter/AttachmentData.php:146
#0 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/library/bdAttachmentStore/XenForo/DataWriter/AttachmentData.php(55): XenForo_DataWriter_AttachmentData->_postSave()
#1 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1409): bdAttachmentStore_XenForo_DataWriter_AttachmentData->_postSave()
#2 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/library/XenForo/Model/Attachment.php(539): XenForo_DataWriter->save()
#3 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Attachment.php(204): XenForo_Model_Attachment->insertUploadedAttachmentData(Object(XenForo_Upload), 1)
#4 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): XenForo_ControllerPublic_Attachment->actionDoUpload()
#5 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#6 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#7 {main}
array(3) {
["url"] => string(110) "http://DOMAINNAME.com/forum/attachm...81a24176881f190aed8101dfd27&content_type=post"
["_GET"] => array(3) {
["/forum/attachments/do-upload_json"] => string(0) ""
["hash"] => string(32) "6cf9f81a24176881f190aed8101dfd27"
["content_type"] => string(4) "post"
["_POST"] => array(7) {
["Filename"] => string(13) "kiyaslama.jpg"
["_xfSessionId"] => string(32) "cc9a863d26614b58fa722781f35122dc"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"
["content_data"] => array(1) {
["node_id"] => string(2) "47"
["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
["Upload"] => string(12) "Submit Query"

I bought and spent nearly half a day to activate this plugin. At the end of the day, I am always getting this error (s3 + CloudFront and I don't have any other addon):

XenForo_Exception: Failed to write the attachment file. - library/XenForo/DataWriter/AttachmentData.php:146
#0 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/library/bdAttachmentStore/XenForo/DataWriter/AttachmentData.php(55): XenForo_DataWriter_AttachmentData->_postSave()
#1 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1409): bdAttachmentStore_XenForo_DataWriter_AttachmentData->_postSave()
#2 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/library/XenForo/Model/Attachment.php(539): XenForo_DataWriter->save()
#3 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Attachment.php(204): XenForo_Model_Attachment->insertUploadedAttachmentData(Object(XenForo_Upload), 1)
#4 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): XenForo_ControllerPublic_Attachment->actionDoUpload()
#5 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#6 /usr/share/nginx/www/forum/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#7 {main}
array(3) {
["url"] => string(110) "http://DOMAINNAME.com/forum/attachm...81a24176881f190aed8101dfd27&content_type=post"
["_GET"] => array(3) {
["/forum/attachments/do-upload_json"] => string(0) ""
["hash"] => string(32) "6cf9f81a24176881f190aed8101dfd27"
["content_type"] => string(4) "post"
["_POST"] => array(7) {
["Filename"] => string(13) "kiyaslama.jpg"
["_xfSessionId"] => string(32) "cc9a863d26614b58fa722781f35122dc"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"
["content_data"] => array(1) {
["node_id"] => string(2) "47"
["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
["Upload"] => string(12) "Submit Query"
Well, I solved the problem myself :D The problem is that this plugin is little bit old. I was trying to use Frankfurt but it is not in region list of this addon. As a result, baaaaam you cannot use it. Select Ireland if you need to use Europe.
When i delete an attachment from system (via deleting post) original file still stay on the amazon s3 bucket. Deleted files must be deleted from bucket on amazon s3 too ? @xfrocks
When i delete an attachment from system (via deleting post) original file still stay on the amazon s3 bucket. Deleted files must be deleted from bucket on amazon s3 too ? @xfrocks
Attachment files are cleaned up in a cron job. During clean up, the S3 files will be deleted too.
Attachment files are cleaned up in a cron job. During clean up, the S3 files will be deleted too.

My xfrocks, are you looking to update this plugin with latest regions as well as support XFMG (without wiping the thumbnails)? I'd like to get it but right now it won't work with XFMG as you know.
My xfrocks, are you looking to update this plugin with latest regions as well as support XFMG (without wiping the thumbnails)? I'd like to get it but right now it won't work with XFMG as you know.

Have you looked into bdDataStorage? I haven't used XFMG, but that'll likely cover it.
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