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BB Code Manager

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Is there any way to make change with image bbcode to allow option for width and height of external images?

[IMG=500,300]external image url[/IMG]
Not that I know of (BBCM does NOT allow changing of default XF bbcode) but I am 100% that it can be done with a custom one for sure.
Please see my un-official customer support manager's post above. He seems to be answering all the questions for me. :D I don't have the link, but I wrote an article for adding custom BBCodes via PHP. Feel free to steal parts from BBCM as long as your don't release it (if you do, please ask me first and tell me what you are using).
Hi there, I think I've found a bug.

Whenever you do:

This error comes up:
Fatal error: Method XenForo_BbCode_TextWrapper::__toString() must not throw an exception in forums/library/XenForo/Template/Abstract.php(243) : eval()'d code on line 1087

I think the issue might be when you have another bbcode within the user bbcode. I haven't tried this with any other BBCode, though the problem goes away if I disable this add-on.

Thanks for your hard work!

I've installed the BB Code Manager and it works great.

However, I am trying to create the BB Code for horizontal rule
. It is partially working... it puts in the horizontal rule line 3 times though.

Help! Pretty Please!


No rush on this... using <hr /> gave me the same output as using <hr> for the replacement. I'm getting 3 horizontal rule lines. This might be a matter of needing to style the horizontal rule line itself, but I've no idea how to do that in Xenforo. It was a nightmare getting it to work at VB.

Thanks for the help!

Lot's of pages for this mod.

Did you guys found a way how to add those tags into the editor as icons?

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