XF 2.0 BB Code include template or style properties


Well-known member

Actually I'm trying to do a BB code with my add-on, so I have some style properties with it but it didn't work when is use them in my code (HTML replacement). Like this :
<div class="myClass" data-channel="{text}" data-layout="property('myProperty')"></div>

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong ? However I tried to do it via a template, so I setup my template with my code and in my HTML replacement I set this :
<xf:include template="myTemplate" />

But it didn't work too.. What can I do to use my style properties or my template with my BB code ? (XF 2.0.12) :unsure:

Regards, SyTry
property() is a template function, so you'll need to surround it with curly braces for it to be evaluated: {{ property('myProperty') }}

You should be fine using it in a replacement (replacements use templates already under the hood).
property() is a template function, so you'll need to surround it with curly braces for it to be evaluated: {{ property('myProperty') }}

You should be fine using it in a replacement (replacements use templates already under the hood).
Hello, thank you but {{ property('myProperty') }} don't change anything for me :unsure:
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