
Today, I attended a doctors' appointment and picked up the kids without the encumbrance of shoes. Not a single odd look was forthcoming, despite me coming in from the pouring rain. Good fun.
For my 2700th post, I've gone with a xenforo barefoot avatar. Enjoy.

WOW, that is an impressive post count already, mind you, the way the shadow-play is working on your new avatar, it kind of looks like your feet are pressing outwards from within the sand, almost as though you were up the other way and underneath the sand, could be just my eyes mind, looks quite surreal though, I like it. :)
Some one get the smelling salts ready for the ladies ... it's Jethro barefooting it over the weekend in technocolour!

Some one get the smelling salts ready for the ladies ... it's Jethro barefooting it over the weekend in technocolour!
Aah, a beach would be nice this weekend, but so far I've had to make to with Toys R Us. Lovely cool, smooth floor, but sand and surf would be preferable. :)
My toes are spreading out a bit. I have more of a web-like grip with the balls of my feet now. Feels like the weight is spread more evenly over the arch.
I'm surprised to hear that your toes are spreading already, Jake, though they certainly will (a little) over time. Feeling the weight distribution change and becoming aware of your feet growing more mechanically active as you re-learn to walk does happen quite quickly, as you've noticed.

On another note, when I got in yesterday, I noticed that I bore more than a passing resemblance to Shelley's signature image :D


Now if I could get a ring onto one of the toes of those little gold feet we could start to get recursive :)
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