
This reminds me of the picture Onimua showed me where he cut 'rip vB' in the grass at his lawn behind his house.
I was barefoot walking through the beachside village we were at on Sunday, most people had at least (trendy if there can be such a thing) flip flops on, got some looks.. but then Sunday there is usually people who drive up from Sydney for a day out, and there were plenty of women piling out of the BMW or Porsche 4x4s in their high heels LOL had me laughing... that and the impecible kids, and hubbies emitting a cloud of StockBroker by BOSS or some other perfume for men *gag*
This reminds me of the picture Onimua showed me where he cut 'rip vB' in the grass at his lawn behind his house.
I'm planning something like that again for XenForo... it's a little more complex than the vB logo though.

Seeing the pictures made me want to add two foot prints now. I'll see how I can squeeze that in. ;)
So, the archetype is now the logo plus feet or footprints? Fair enough, the challenge has been laid down.

* thinks of his next logo creation *
I done a wee bit of bare footing around the house today.

First I stubbed my little toe against the table, yes I am a clumsy sod. About 10 minutes later, just as the pain was subsiding, Bruce decided to stand on that very toe. Of course not wanting to be outdone by his little brother, another 5 minutes pass and Brock stands on it - He's a fair bit bigger and heavier than Bruce and it ended up hurting more than the aforementioned toe stubbing.

I think it's best I keep some kind of footwear on.

I think I'm going to find a way of moulding the logo into a concrete paving slab, not sure how but I'm going to try.
First I stubbed my little toe against the table, yes I am a clumsy sod.
I once caught my little toe on the foot of a wooden coffee table as I was striding past and all I heard was a loud CRACK!
I looked down and it was at 90 degrees to the rest of my toes :D

I straightened it up (through gritted teeth) and the next day it was the colour and size of a plum.
Took several weeks before I could wear shoes again :D
So, the archetype is now the logo plus feet or footprints? Fair enough, the challenge has been laid down.

* thinks of his next logo creation *

got it :D

I've had a few broken toes in the past - I broke one when I was emptying the rubbish bins at a friend's house, walked outside in the dark and crunched my foot into an ornamental rock that was positioned in the middle of the pathway.

The worst break was on holiday in the Maldives - I was walking past the bar and someone pushed a bar stool back and directly into my path. The second and third toes on my right foot made full contact, and turned a delightful shade of black for the rest of the holiday. I swore quite a lot.

I can't say I've ever had toes bent into the wrong shape or position though... just the thought of that turns my stomach.
well, actually since people invented roads barefooting is no longer safe. you have to wear something to compensate the difference between the ancient soft ground and the hard asphalt or rocks.
well, actually since people invented roads barefooting is no longer safe. you have to wear something to compensate the difference between the ancient soft ground and the hard asphalt or rocks.
I beg to differ. Many of the ground surfaces where humanity evolved are anything but soft. The human foot does not need soft, comfortable surfaces to function well, it's a marvel of evolution that it can handle virtually any surface with aplomb.
I once caught my little toe on the foot of a wooden coffee table as I was striding past and all I heard was a loud CRACK!
I looked down and it was at 90 degrees to the rest of my toes :D

I straightened it up (through gritted teeth) and the next day it was the colour and size of a plum.
Took several weeks before I could wear shoes again :D
I beg to differ. Many of the ground surfaces where humanity evolved are anything but soft. The human foot does not need soft, comfortable surfaces to function well, it's a marvel of evolution that it can handle virtually any surface with aplomb.

Aplomb - that's what Brogan's pinky toe looked like. :D
It rained today, socks go back on .. brrr.

I have taken to only slipping on flipflops in the event of heavy rain and other than that I am barefoot... the other half is still finding this hard to understand though but it is so much nicer to walk this way.
I took my dogs out in the yard for a good rousing game of "catch the frisbee"...... barefoot, of course.
It was really nice to feel the cool grass beneath my feet and between my toes.
I took my dogs out in the yard for a good rousing game of "catch the frisbee"...... barefoot, of course.
It was really nice to feel the cool grass beneath my feet and between my toes.
And the dog poo in the park :D
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