Add-on Backup Entire XenForo Install + Database To Amazon S3

Been working on this: so havent realy had time.

What you'll need to do though (ive added comments to help)


Make a cron job to run the script below every day / week etc as needed.

#Example Backup Script to upload website to Amazon Glacier by Slavik at
#May be re-distributed if above credits left entact
suffix=$(date +%w%a)
rm -Rf /var/backup/* #remove all files in the backup directory
sleep 5 #waits 5 seconds, if you do a HUGE backup of a lot of files, increase as needed
mysqldump -h localhost -uusername -ppassword databasename > /var/backup/database.sql #dump your database, copy this as many times as needed
sleep 10m #waits 10minutes while you database dump happens, alter as needed for your database size
cp -R /location/to/files /var/backup/files #copies all files from your main directory eg httpdocs to the backup directory, copy as many times as needed
sleep 30 #waits 30 seconds for the files to copy, alter as needed
tar -cvf /var/$suffix.tar /var/backup/* #tars everything into a file with permissions etc entact
sleep 30 #waits 30 seconds for everything to get zipped up, alter as needed
mv /var/$suffix.tar /var/backup
sleep 1 #wait for a second
java -jar /var/glacieruploader.jar --endpoint --vault vaultname --upload /var/backup/$suffix.tar

Why do you need the sleep command? Wouldn't the script execute each statement sequentially and start teh next command only after the previous one was completed?
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