XF 1.4 Automatic Group Promotion not Working


I am currently running a test version on my localhost for my newly purchased XF board. Here is what is going on with the group permissions:

1- I renamed the registered group to "New Members" and allowed the permissions I wanted.
2- I created a new group called "Members" and I didn't edit any permissions in it since it shall inherit from the new members.
3- I created a promotion titled "Member" and marked the "Members" group as the "Add to usergroup" option.
4- I chosen that the member who shall be promoted is those who have 15 posts at least.
5- I have a test account that got already 20 posts but it didn't get promoted from new members to members.

What shall I do?
I made few tweaks to get it to work but still. (Maybe I am kind of confused)

1- I renamed the group back to default >> "Registered" with a title display of "Newbie"
2- Created another test account as a member of the "Registered" usergroup.
3- Created another usergroup called "Novice Members".
3- Created a new promotion and gave it the title of "Novice Member" and checked "Novice Members" as the "Add to usergroup" option.
5- Decided that this who shall receive this promotion has at least 10 messages.
6- Posted 12 messages with my new test account.
7- Manually ran the cron task
8- Still he got the title as "Newbie" but when I searched "List all users" it showed me that that test account was added to the "Novice Members" usergroup but as a secondary one.

This is not what I want. I want this account to move to the Novice Members group automatically when he posts more than 10 posts.
This is not what I want. I want this account to move to the Novice Members group automatically when he posts more than 10 posts.
The system doesn't work like that - the primary user group never changes.

The user title is independent of the user group by default - it is determined by trophy points.
Otherwise set a specific title for the user group and ensure the display styling priority is higher.
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