Browser issue Audio bug with iOS screen recording when mic is on

I'm not able to reproduce that in iOS 12.1.3 and Chrome or Safari.

Just for clarity, I have a screen recording on my phone, I switched on the microphone during it and the sound kicks in when it is supposed to. I uploaded it via the "Attach files" button, though how it was uploaded should be irrelevant because we don't actually have any control over the videos.

We do not even attempt to compress or transcode them or otherwise touch the video.

Are we missing anything?
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I think 12.1.3 is still beta. I guess it's possible.

If anyone else wants to give it a try that would be appreciated.

As a hint (I didn't know this until today) if you activate the screen recording from the drag down widget sheet thing (sorry if that's too technical :rolleyes:) if you press and hold the button which activates screen recording, there's an option to turn the mic on in there.
I actually downloaded the clip you linked to in the first post and opened it in VLC. No audio played back there (though it does seem to indicate that there is an audio track).
Ahh I assumed it was still in beta because I've been pestered for a while to do an iOS update and I assumed it was another 12.1.3 beta but it's actually a 12.2 beta.
No I wouldn't have thought so. My settings are the same and those settings are explicitly for the camera - they shouldn't apply to screen recordings.

We're currently working towards the theory of it being iOS 12.1.2 so far. We've only had success with sound with 12.1.3 so far. So if you can try the update and let us know after that, that'd be great.
... and yet we've had success with an iPhone 7 under 12.1.2, so we're still searching for the exact cause of the issue.
Ughh, this is an iOS bug with workarounds being posted on YouTube dating back 16 months.

Apparently the mic is a different audio track from any internal audio playing from the phone. You end up with two audio tracks in the video and the default is the internal audio track. So when you upload that video to YouTube, another website or try to play it in a player like VLC, you don't hear the mic recorded audio.

Two options I've seen are to either play the video back on your phone, whilst screen recording the original recording. This will record a duplicate of the video but capture the original mic audio onto the internal audio track, so the second video will work anywhere.

The other option is to use handbrake to re-encode using second audio track. But I think that means you'll lose any internal audio if you had a mix or internal and voiceover.

Seems like a big issue with the iOS screen recorder. It's a widespread issue for iOS gamers who like to record and share their footage.

I'm not sure if there's any kind of official Apple big report though. I'll ping them a feedback message.
This is what we discovered earlier too.

But still we found that everything worked as expected on iOS 12.1.3. Any luck with that?

The main anomaly was it didn't seem to affect older iPhones on 12.1.2 but so far 12.1.3 is the only version where it has consistently worked on all devices we tried. I guess it's possible there could be differences in hardware which affect how the audio tracks are recorded.
Ahh, interesting.

Updated to 12.1.3, no luck :(

I should have access to an older iPhone over the weekend, so will give it a go on that to see what happens. Could be a hardware issue I suppose.
if Xenforo isn't processing Videos , this can't be Xenforo bug , but as additional feature you can detect multiple audio tracks and add audio selector to the HTML video Player if it has multiple audio tracks
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