Ashamed to be British

I just watched that video and the guy clearly explained they were patrolling the streets and will apprehend any thugs/looters until the police get to their location for the police to deal with. You were referring to the guy and the group from enfield?

I actually hate to have been proved right about my gut-feeling on this lot.

But, I wasn't surprised this morning to wake up and find the BBC reporting that the police had to deal with trouble from a group of vigilantes in Enfield, that had been drinking all day and chanting, 'England, England' and 'E, E, EDL', including a brief piece from an MP saying the last thing the police needed was having to deal with the racist EDL on the streets, particularly at this point in time.

And the EDL leader had been Enfield yesterday to stir it up:

But there were concerns far-right groups were seeking to take advantage of the disorder.

Stephen Lennon, the leader of the far-right EDL, said he spent yesterday in Enfield and claim to have 100 supporters on the streets of the town.

Daily Telegraph

* EDL = the so-called 'English Defence League', that mainly draws it's supporters from football hooligans that like to hold regular protests across the country that generally involves drinking loads of beer, chanting 'E, E, EDL' and racist chants before kicking-off fights with the police, any anti-fascist counter protesters and often among their own numbers, because they support different football clubs. That bloke behind the recent massacre in Norway had regular contact with EDL supporters and leaders.
* EDL = the so-called 'English Defence League', that mainly draws it's supporters from football hooligans that like to hold regular protests across the country that generally involves drinking loads of beer, chanting 'E, E, EDL' and racist chants before kicking-off fights with the police, any anti-fascist counter protesters and often among their own numbers, because they support different football clubs. That bloke behind the recent massacre in Norway had regular contact with EDL supporters and leaders.

Have you not seen the documentary called Coppers, While I'm no fan of theirs its not all one sided, like the media like to make out, the anti-fascists were on the same footing as the edl if not worst.
This is complete crock.

Apart from that fact that it's not.

The jobs are out there, the problem is these people will not do them.

Unemployment is at the highest level since 1996 (source - BBC), it is far worst among the 16-24 year-olds, where it's the highest in over 20 years (source - Office for National Statistics via The Guardian), the number of people "under-employed", forced to work part-time because there are not enough full-time jobs available is on the increase (source Daily Telegraph).

All that is based on the national situation, the problem is much, much worst in the inner cities - around here (Worthing) we haven't got nearly that level of a problem, yet still the number of under 24 years registered unemployed is at the highest levels for many years, the jobs available at the Job Centre are the lowest in many years and the job section of the local paper has dropped from 4-5 pages prior to the recession to under 1 page now.

* I'll declare an interest here, until recently I was involved in my local Chamber of Commerce, which in turn is involved in local schools & colleges trying to tackle youth unemployment, so it's something I know a fair bit about and it depresses me greatly.

And when we have a benefits system that pays more than a minimum wage job people have no incentive to do these jobs.

I agree there are faults with the benefit system, but unless you have a family and a large rent, therefore housing benefit, bill, this doesn't add-up - minimum wage is about £6ph, so £240pw for 40hr, Job Seekers Allowance is about £60pw.

find everyone claiming jobseekers, a guaranteed job placing.

Impossible, the facts & stats are clear, there's not enough jobs out there.

Benefits removed to law breakers.

Always sounds like a good idea, but without enough jobs, they would have no choice but to turn to more crime to put food in their mouths.

We can agree on most of the rest of your point, particularly about getting the hell out the EU! :)
Have you not seen the documentary called Coppers, While I'm no fan of theirs its not all one sided, like the media like to make out, the anti-fascists were on the same footing as the edl if not worst.

Not seen that documentary, but I know what you mean - I have no respect for those on the extreme right nor left of the political spectrum, both are a danger to society.
And, finally, before I must get on with some work, a brief overall of what happened last night.

London remained largely peaceful, with police in control, so hopefully things will return to normal.

Other cities had major problems as I posted last night, but again not to the level of London on Sunday night, so we can expect police numbers to be increased to bring them back under control.

However, three people have now been murdered as a result on all this...

Three men died after they were hit by a car in a hit-and-run incident in Birmingham in the early hours of this morning.

The trio - two brothers, aged 25 and 21, and a friend - had just emerged from a mosque and were on the streets protecting their car wash business after the previous night's violence, according to a family member.

Kabir Khan Isakhel, a relative of one of the dead brothers, told Sky News this morning that two cars had approached at high speed and struck the trio.

He said: 'They were not in the way or blocking the road. The car swerved towards them. They went flying up in the air.'

A police source said: 'As far as we understand, there was an altercation in the street in the early hours of the morning, and these three men were allegedly mown down by one man in one car.

'It's difficult to say at the moment whether the incident is linked to earlier unrest, but we are investigating.'

The Birmingham Mail has reported local social media accounts that the deceased had been involved in a brawl with looters as they defended property from rioters.

Daily Mail

So, despite some earlier posts on this thread blaming Muslims for the troubles, which clearly wasn't the case, the only deaths associated with the troubles are three Muslims defending their business from looters.
I've been watching this unfold the last few days, and I'm shocked to say the least. I'm making my way to the UK Monday to spend about 5 months studying, and I must admit the last thing I expected was to have riots break out the week before I leave the US :unsure:.
I've been watching this unfold the last few days, and I'm shocked to say the least. I'm making my way to the UK Monday to spend about 5 months studying, and I must admit the last thing I expected was to have riots break out the week before I leave the US :unsure:.

Where will you be living?
I am glad that this has come to a head. I'm not happy that people have been hurt and property has been destroyed but I think it needed something like this for the government to finally wake up and see that there are large sections of "Welfare" Britain that are rotten to the core. Lets hope that the renewed community spirit continues...

We must not allow this to happen any more! People of England stand together and protect your right to freedom. Fight the scum of society.
The police just need to go in HARD and FAST! These pathetic wimps have been crying in court today. Boo F*$£ing Hoo!!
Looks like they can't handle the traffic.

They actually can't. With over 80k signatures on that specific e-petition.... : Convicted London rioters should loose all benefits. - e-petitions

Any persons convicted of criminal acts during the current London riots should have all financial benefits removed. No tax payer should have to contribute to those who have destroyed property, stolen from their community and shown a disregard for the country that provides for them.
They actually can't. With over 80k signatures on that specific e-petition.... : Convicted London rioters should loose all benefits. - e-petitions

Any persons convicted of criminal acts during the current London riots should have all financial benefits removed. No tax payer should have to contribute to those who have destroyed property, stolen from their community and shown a disregard for the country that provides for them.

I think that's a good thing. As soon as I get through I'll be adding my signature to it. I'll be tweeting that link and I think others should to so those scum are made homeless like they did to other innocent hardworking people.
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